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决议和条例。Resolutions and Ordinances.

什么是国际卫生条例的历史?What is the history of the IHR?

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但是更多的条例只是停留在书面上。But many more rules remain on the books.

根据条例草案,她斥责他是近眼泪。She berates Bill under he is near-tears.

但这项条例在危机时期还可以放松。But the rules can be relaxed in a crisis.

交通法规包括驾驶条例。A traffic code contains rules for driving.

我们已经修改了防火和防洪条例。We have revised fire and flood regulations.

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这一新条例的性质是什么呢?What was the nature of this new regulation?

并非保险条例的一部分。Not forming part of the insurance regulation.

本条例自即日起施行。The regulations come into force as of to day.

条例在刊宪后即时生效。Regulations gazetted in with immediate effect.

因此,当条例草案看到风暴,他得到了一个主意。So when Bill saw the windstorm, he got an idea.

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这一条可以被理解为新条例的核心理念。This can be seen as the core of the regulation.

他逐字逐句地替我解释这项条例。He explains this regulation to me word for word.

要背出所有的法律条例一定很难。It must be really hard to remember all the laws.

在2006年,美国环保署修订了24小时监控PM2.5的条例。In 2006, EPA revised the 24-hour NAAQS for PM2.5.

现在,佩科斯条例草案将曾经有过骑不了。Now, Pecos Bill could ride anything that ever was.

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这当然是反条例应用,这也是允许的。This is known as " off-label use" and is permitted.

自觉遵守学校有关联网管理条例。Users must observe the rules of university network.

该条例也就短期专利的批予作出规定。It also provides for the grant of short-term patents.