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你能够想象在22岁的时候就自己当老板并且财政独立么?Could you imagine?

今天是独立日吗?It’s Independence Day?

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何时是独立节?。When is Independence Day?

独立和器件。Independent and on-device.

独立的浴缸和淋浴。Separate Bath with shower.

它是平台独立的吗?Is it platform-independent?

独立节是在七月。Independence Day is in July.

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你是一个独立的人吗?Are you an independent person?

浴室配有独立淋浴间。Bathroom with separate shower.

独立非执行董事的角色改变。The changing roles of an INED.

独立投行之死留下了一片真空地带。They may leave behind a vacuum.

他们渴望独立。They thirsted for independence.

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每军种独立展开自己的战争。Each waged its own separate war.

没有独立媒体。There were no independent media.

独立的男女同校研究院Coed, independent graduate school

在谢伊写的这本书里,每一个英文字母都有独立的章节。Each letter gets its own chapter.

有独立的解释吗?Is there a single-interpretation?

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他到现在还不能独立坐起。He still cannot sit up on his own.

这显示出你是独立的。It shows that you are independent.

所有分子都是独立的。The molecules are all independent.