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阎王将我拒门外。Yet Yama keeps me outside the gate.

阎王说,我的寿命有七十八岁。Yama said, I have seventy-year-old life.

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阎王不在,小鬼跳梁。猫不在,老鼠成精。When the cat's away , the mice will play.

那里有一个法庭,由阎王管理。There is a court there, presided over by the King of Hell.

四大天王之一的阎王,其中东部属于自己的份额。One of the four kings of Hades, of which the eastern part falls to his share.

她啊就是不听话,他老子娘才不要他的,最后是要被阎王拖下地狱的!She is not obedient, he didn't want his mother I, the last is to be dragged to hell yama!

夜叉揭示自己作为主阎王和赠款的所有死去的兄弟的生活。The Yaksha reveals himself as Lord Yama and grants back the lives of all the dead brothers.

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李彪晓得了阎王给日自己做事之后,调整方案继续攻打柳子巷。LiBiao see yan to day do things for myself after adjustment scheme continue against LiuZi lane.

阎王鼻子水库蓄水后,在水库两岸出现浸没现象。The immersion fields appeared in the either bank of the reservoir after the reservoir impoundment.

阎王通常戴着一顶乌纱帽,纸钱上也会有他的形象。Yan Wang is normally depicted wearing a Chinese judge's cap and sometimes appears on Chinese Hell Bank Notes.

非常明显,假如考虑潜在死亡人数地话,美国其它州的市民也会上阎王簿。It is also clear that given the likely death toll, there will be many citizens of other states who will have died.

一因琼事被阎王罚受火刑,荣带一到雪房降温而冷病,一大受感动。Granted full forgive By Joan was a stake, and honor by yan penalty with a cool and cold to snow room, a large moved illness.

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在中国古代的民间信仰里面,人死后都要去阴间地狱报到,接受阎王的审判。In Chinese folk cultures, people believe everyone will sign up to the hell and take the trial from King of Hell after his death.

“至于你,”阎王转向林,换了一种语气,“你孝敬父母,忠于国家。"As for you, " the King turned to Lin, speaking in a different tone, "You have been good to your parents and loyal to your country.

由于海亚身披白色的伪装,俄国人把他视作讨命的“白阎王”,并发动集团作战行动,仅为消灭他一个人。He became known as "The White Death" because of his white camouflage outfit, and they actually mounted whole missions just to kill that one guy.

虽阎王判官小鬼只为传说虚妄,但其惩恶扬善的社会教化功用又为人们所称道。Though the legend of the Hades, adjudicator and ghost is unreal, the social moralization of rewarding virtue and punishing vice is commended by people.

足协极有可能复制阎王当年取消降级这种饮鸩止渴的谋略,然后再雪上加霜地缩减一个冲超名额。Football is very likely to copy the abolition of Yama was demoted this strategy of drinking poison to quench thirst, and then further reduced to a Chongchao places.

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城王不仅是保护社区免受袭击,而且还是看管它,以致阎王不会未经正当的权威许可就滥用权限去带走任何灵魂。Ch'eng-Huang not only protects the community from attack but sees to it that the King of the Dead does not take any soul from his jurisdiction without proper authority.

看起来他们是炸对了,海亚被一些弹片击中,这些弹片撕裂了他的外衣,却没伤着他的身体。真是他妈的一个活阎王,靠!Supposedly, they had the location right, and he actually got hit by a cloud of shrapnel that tore his coat up, but didn't actually hurt him, because he's the fucking White Death, damn it.

有一个阶级,在司法部的统计年表上是被称为“游民”的,我们不难理解为什么沙威是那个阶级的阎王。The reader will have no difficulty in understanding that Javert was the terror of that whole class which the annual statistics of the Ministry of Justice designates under the rubric, Vagrants.