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他向我吐露心事。He unburdened himself to me.

杰克呆呆看着电视屏幕,想着心事。Jack gawks at the TV thinking.

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我把我的心事告诉了他。I told him what was on my heart.

却任心事满园,亦捻花不语。Let 's twist flower garden, also.

你有心事吗?“有挂心的事”。Do you have something on your mind?

你的心房不应隐藏你的心事。Your house shall not hold your secret.

谁满腹的心事爱恨交织纠缠?。Who's heart full of love-hate struggle?

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她向他透露了自己的心事。She disclosed to him the state of her heart.

爱的筵席是心事,伤悲,筵席和一醉。Love Feast is worry, sorrow, feast and drunk.

真的吗?你看起来有心事。Really? It looks like something is on your mind.

看来阿列恒想吐透一些心事。It looked as though he wanted to tell some story.

我国人民有两件心事。There are two matters of great concern to our people.

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您已给了我吃的,现在把您的心事告诉我。You gave me something to eat, now tell me what ails you.

⊙、英雄心事无今古,神物风云各有时。Hero worry no today the ancient, sacred clouds sometimes.

他最近看起来心事重重的。你知道他有什么心事吗?I know that you had something weighs heavily on your mind.

我吃过年饭,一个人关着门,想着心事。I lunch this afternoon a person closed door thinking mind.

把发霉的心事交给流水,向远去的尘埃行个注目礼。The rotten heart to water, dust to be a disappearing eyes.

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你显然有心事,为何不一吐为快?There is mind in your heart obviously, why not say it out?

他皱眉蹙额,可能是有心事吧。He was frowning. It seemed that he had something on his mind.

桂长林立刻心事很重地皱了眉头。Kuei Chang-lin immediately knit his brows in a worried frown.