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这座书院在南宋的时候可是盛极一时。This academy had its heyday in the Southern Song Dynasty.

而在荷兰,反天主教主义盛极一时In the case of the Netherlands, anti-Catholicism is endemic.

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建筑、科学、戏剧和诗歌也曾在这里盛极一时。Architecture4, science, drama and poetry also flourished here.

如何看待这曾经盛极一时的历史文化遗产?。How to treat this ever prosperous history cultural inheritance?

作为盛极一时的都邑,殷墟地下文物遗迹十分丰富。As a once thriving capital, Yinxu is rich in archeological relics.

这座城邦在90年代盛极一时,银行如雨后春笋般涌现。That city-state rocked in the '90s, and banks sprung up like palm trees.

雕版印刷发明后至两宋而盛极一时。Engraving printing is in vogue for a time from its being invented to the Song Dynasty.

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聚光灯不再照在我脸上,我盛极一时的名声似乎结束了。The spotlight is no longer shining in my face and my spurt with fame seems to be over.

小楼何仙姑旅游景区,庙内香火盛极一时,是祈福开运好去处!Ho Hsien Ku Temple, located in Xiao Lou Scenic Area, is a good place to pray for good luck.

在整个历史进程中,几乎所有的帝国都曾盛极一时,结果都还是衰落了。Throughout the whole course of history almost all the empires have flourished only to decay.

清雍正、乾隆年间盛极一时,与杨柳青年画并称“南桃北柳”。Qing Emperor Yongzheng and Qianlong was very popular, and Yangliuqing said "Southern Peach Chachoengsao."

佩特拉在罗马帝国时代盛极一时,但由于阿拉伯的贸易中心的转移到别处而迅速衰落。Petra once flourished under the Roman empire but a rapid decline began with the Arabian trade being taken elsewhere.

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子弟书是满族八旗入关后创制的说唱艺术,清乾隆至光绪年间,在北京曾盛极一时。Zidishu, a kind of folk art, was famous and popular in Beijing between Qianlong and Guangxu periods in Qing dynasty.

产于湖州长兴的罗山介茶在明中后期盛极一时,可惜失传。Luoka tea grown in Changxing county of Huzhou City was extremely popular in the mid-Ming Dynasty, but it is lost now.

当有人认识到地球可能将会在1910年被彗星尾巴扫到后,这一事件成了盛极一时的话题。This was of only passing interest until someone realized that Earth would pass through the tail of Halley's comet in 1910.

在巴比伦、埃及、希腊和罗马人各自盛极一时年代里,今日的欧洲只有原始文明。During the ages when the Babylonians , Egyptians, Greeks and Romans flourished, the area now called Europe possessed a primitive civilization.

糖果镇是英国北部一个围绕海滨的小村镇,曾经作为不列颠的“棒棒糖”首都盛极一时。Sugartown revolves around a small seaside hamlet in the north of England which once enjoyed a heyday as the "stick-of-rock" capital of Britain.

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但即使在它盛极一时之时,乔叟类型的炼金术师被评论为江湖骗子,而炼金术被教皇二十二世和国王亨利四世宣布禁止。But even during its height, critics such as Chaucer characterized alchemists as charlatans, and it was banned by Pope John XXII and King Henry IV.

在明清年间,晋商曾盛极一时,商贸足迹遍及华夏大地及欧亚大陆。During Ming and Qing dynasty, Shanxi's businessmen had done very well in trade and business, and they traveled around the whole China and Eurasia.

本文对不同历史时期曾盛极一时的古都咸阳、长安、洛阳、建康、开封等一批著名城市在战争摧残下由盛转衰的历史巨变进行了系统分析。There is a systematic analysis on many famous metropolises such as Xianyang and Changan and Luouang and Jiankang and Kaifeng etc in differ period in history.