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人们并不清楚蓝色散兵游勇形式。It is not clear how blue stragglers form.

那些散兵游勇向政府投降了。Those stragglers and disbanded soldiers surrendered to the government.

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蓝色的散兵游勇,分别鉴定为移动连同其他恒星的星系。The blue stragglers were identified as moving along with the other stars in the bulge.

不久,英国、奥地利、俄国以及普鲁士组成强大的联盟,攻击这些散兵游勇。Soon, Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia formed a powerful alliance and attacked these stragglers.

人类的这一部分散兵游勇从来没有表示过与上流社会结构融为一体的愿望。These scattered fragments of humanity had never shown any desire to be amalgamated with the social structure.

凯撒深知,这些部落虽然经常以散兵游勇的方式互相争战,但对他来说,这不过是在“玩打仗”。Caesar knew that though the tribes had always fought each other via occasional skirmishes, he considered them to only be "playing at war".

因此这个计划可能会很容易的察觉的可变性,二进制双至关重要,确认这实在是蓝色的散兵游勇。Therefore the program could easily detect the variability of binary pairs, which was crucial in confirming these are indeed blue stragglers.

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文化最终是一种精神,人是要有精神的,没有精神的队伍是散兵游勇乌合之众。Culture is a kind of spirit ultimately, all the human being should have spirit, if a group without spirit then they can do nothing successfully.

蓝色的散兵游勇是这样命名是因为他们似乎落后在衰老的过程,出现以下的人口,他们从那里形成。Blue stragglers are so named because they seemingly lag behind in the aging process, appearing younger than the population from which they formed.

NASA的哈勃太空望远镜已经发现星星非常出色的怪胎叫作蓝色散兵游勇在我们的银河系的中心地带,第一个发现在我们的星系的优势。NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has found a rare class of oddball stars called blue stragglers in the hub of our Milky Way, the first detected within our galaxy's bulge.

抗日战争爆发,冀中平原上,地主大户组建的会道门互相械斗,散兵游勇组成民军,草头王自封司令,老百姓人心惶惶。War broke out, Jizhong plain, the landlord large established will be door each other fights, stragglers formed China Army, Cao Touwang self-styled commander, people panic.

中国的物业管理企业正面临市场淘汰和整合的机遇,从原来的散兵游勇逐步向集团化、专业化发展。Facing the opportunity of elimination and integration of the market, China's property management industry enterprises are gradually developing to Collectivization and Specialization.