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这是些植物的精魂。This is a plant of spirit.

许多萨满的威能都有著精魂关键字。Many shaman powers have the spirit keyword.

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若伤害没到该数字,则精魂不受该次攻击的影响。Otherwise, the spirit is unaffected by the attack.

大家对他能否恰如其分地把握美国精魂不抱什么期望。he could not be expected to appraise properly the spirit of America.

前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。Past the dust, present in the wind, soul and spirit of endless grief.

他们可以指挥强力的精魂,并透过它们来领导他的盟友。They command powerful spirit guides, and through them lead their allies.

月光的森然,乐律的精魂,一切只是幻影,稍纵即逝。Moonlight Senran, spirit temperament, everything is just a mirage, transient.

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你所沟通的原初精魂很诚实,但是有时候难以捉摸。The primal spirits you communicate with are honest but sometimes can be elusive.

尽管精魂没有生命值,它仍可以成为近战或远程攻击的目标。The spirit can be targeted by melee or ranged attacks, although it lacks hit points.

难得地精魂也会进行更详细的解释,当它们这麽做的时候,它们的回答是隐秘的。Rarely do the spirits elaborate further, and when they do, their response is cryptic.

你只能在你的精魂伙伴在场参与遭遇的时候才能使用精魂威能。You can use a spirit power only if your spirit companion is present in the encounter.

行进乐队音乐似乎是美洲音乐的精魂所在,但事实上,它的创始人并非西方人。The marching band seems the very essence of musical Americana, but in fact its origins are non-Western.

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因为你黄昏时有家可归,而你那更迷茫、更孤寂的漂泊的精魂,也有个归宿。For even as you have home-comings in your twilight, so has the wanderer in you, the ever distant and alone.

他重视随笔的道德意义、思想建设,这就是现代随笔的精魂。He thought highly of the moral significance and the ideal construction, which is the soul of modern free-writing.

谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。Who's who lives in the traveler, who is the runner who lives, past life of dust, this world wind, endless sad spirit.

你看到过一个精魂或者一个鬼魂,或者注意到某人做到了某些一般物理规则所无法做到的事?Have you seen a spirit or a ghost, or witnessed someone do something that can't be explained away by the normal laws of physics?

一抔黄土,掩下了青石窑全村的精魂,火光闪烁中,大喜和杨树生跪在坟前发誓,定要让鬼子们血债血偿!Under the mask grave, the spirit stone kiln, glow, and rejoicing in the grave Yang Shusheng kneel swear, must let the devil blood!

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太阳出来,雪必然融化,但她是不变的,留下的是水,就如雨的精魂,它在人们心中仍是存在。The sun, snow must melt, but she is unchanged, leaving the water, the essence of soul on the rain, it still exists in people's minds.

但是如果我们卖给你们土地,你们必须记住空气对于我们是宝贵的,空气将其精魂赐予她所哺育的所有生灵。but if we sell you our land . you must remember that the air is precious to us .that the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.

你与大自然的强力精魂和其他原初大能有所连系。他们借予你狂暴的力量,让你得以转化为战场上的一股毁灭力量。You have a link to powerful nature spirits and other primal forces. They lend energy to your rages, transforming you into a devastating force on the battlefield.