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是的,我们很不拘小节的。Yes, we're very informal.

要学一点男人的不拘小节。Men need to learn that the informal section.

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他那不拘小节的表演会驱赶所有的不快。His informal minor performances, drove all the unhappiness.

他为人和做官都不拘小节,讲求实效。He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official.

画风粗略的人,天真且情绪化,不拘小节勇于冒险。With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.

和那些不快乐的人相比,快乐人群最大的特点在于他们不拘小节。One of the biggest things happy people do differently compared to unhappy people is they let stuff go.

这么一个出手阔绰又不拘小节的投资者是那些啰里啰唆的西方人能比的吗?Isn't such a generous investor who isn't bothered about trifling matters comparable to troublesome westerners?

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它是一个与工具无关、不拘小节的过程,能够扩展运用到很多种类的项目中去。It is a tools-agnostic, low-ceremony process that can be extended to address a broad variety of project types.

首先谢谢您光临我的"小窝",性格开朗活泼的我散发着青春的气息,不拘小节,大大咧咧!First thanks your presence my " alveolus ", is cheerful lively I to send out the youth breath, does not arrest the section, careless!

年轻的瑞典人受雇于外商或国际组织经常会碰到麻烦,太不拘小节或者太不尊重制度。Young Swedes employed by foreign companies or international organizations often run into trouble being too informal or too disrespectful of structures.

"因为,就像你取笑我不拘小节一样,"利昂娜冷冷地看着他然后说,"你就是呆,哥们。""Because, like, you tease me about not paying attention to little details, but hello!" Leona looked at him coolly and said, "You’re such a boob, dude."

有的传统思想认为细节并不重要,所以有成大事者不拘小节之说。Some traditional thoughts think that they're not important, so they have the idea, "To make great invents, it has no need to care about small formalities."

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一个其貌不扬、不拘小节、政治上极其保守的丹麦素食主义者如何成为环保主义的大叛逆者?How did a lanky Danish vegetarian who wears T shirts to important meetings and votes only for left-wing politicians become the great Satan of environmentalism?

本质是阳刚、专制、具有太阳般的生气、宽宏大量、乐观、海派、光明磊落、不拘小节、心胸开阔。The essence is a sun just, absolute monarchy, have the sun sort of angry, generous, optimism, Shanghai style, open and aboveboard, unconventional, open-minded.

上学那会儿,他就是我们班里有名的名士派,如今他更加潇洒独特不拘小节了。When we were in school he was a famous unconventional, and self-indulgent old-style intellective. Now he is more unrestrained, distinctive, and not punctilious.

妈妈是不拘小节的人,对自己对子女的生日从来不过,更很少提及。但每当自己生日的前一天,总会到姥姥那里去,陪老人吃顿饭。Mother who was sloppy, their children on their birthday, but never more rarely mentioned. But when his birthday the day before, always to the grandmother there, keep old meal.

相反,只有那些不拘小节的人,谦逊的人,愿意为朋友无条件付出的人,才能结交到真正的朋友。Contrary, have those only regardless of trival matters person, condescending person, be willing to be a friend termless paid person, ability associate with arrives true friend.

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他不拘小节、不爱干净、不擅交往,他崇尚自由,喜欢无拘无束,虽然她乖巧得像上帝的羔羊,可他仍觉得婚姻束缚了他。He informal section, and do not like to clean, Bushan exchanges, he advocates freedom, free love , though her clever as the Lamb of God, he can still feel the shackles of his marriage.

举止造就“商”人。日前一项针对职场礼节的全球调查显示,美国人和英国人最易因疏于礼节而被惹恼,而澳大利亚人则最“不拘小节”。Manners make the businessman, with a global survey finding Americansand Britons to be the most easily insulted by lack of workplace etiquette, while Australians are among the most offensive.

举止造就“商”人。日前一项针对职场礼节的全球调查显示,美国人和英国人最易因疏于礼节而被惹恼,而澳大利亚人则最“不拘小节”。Manners maketh the businessman, with a global survey finding Americans and Britons to be the most easily insulted by lack of workplace etiquette, while Australians are among the most offensive.