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看真理闪躲,万劫不复。See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled.

大约六个月后,它开始了万劫不复的下坠。Around six months later it started a perpetualdecline.

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面临刑事立案的企业或将万劫不复。The threat of criminal prosecution can doom a business.

最终让我在那不被允许的爱情里万劫不复。Finally let me in on that love is not allowed beyond redemption.

即使万劫不复,我亦爱你至死不渝。Even the doomed eternally, I love you will never change until death.

我们在这个腐烂发臭的青春里挣扎,最后万劫不复。Our youth in this rotten stinking struggling, and finally beyond redemption.

别让自己陷入万劫不复的境地,在一切还没有太晚之前浪子回头吧。Don't let yourself hit rock bottom, turn yourself around before it's too late!

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一提到“黑洞”,映入我们脑海的通常是毁灭和万劫不复。The words "black hole" generally bring to mind destruction and an end to all ends.

我努力想结束这一切,才发现我早已落入万劫不复深渊。I'm trying to end it all, I had discovered the fall into the abyss doomed eternally.

他的手指一旦松开皮包拎手,就会坠落星球万劫不复。The moment his fingers leave the leather loop of the handle, he will fall off the planet.

如果众人的期待是索马里会堕入万劫不复的混乱深渊,那现实又是如何呢?If the expectation was that Somalia wouldplunge into an abyss of chaos, what is the reality?

一日他们中的许多人将假先知,并应教导的方式和不同的学说坠入万劫不复之地。Many of them shall be false prophets, and shall teach ways and diverse doctrines of perdition.

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遭遇塔利班14年,我知道他们并没有万劫不复。I am certain, after 14 years of encounters with the Taliban, that they are not beyond redemption.

海岸警卫队海事局的调查报告表明,正是不断累积的失误将卡特迈号推入万劫不复的深渊。An inexorable progression of errors doomed the Katmai, the Coast Guard's Marine Board of Investigation found.

一个口出狂言者得意洋洋地骂一仓房的庄稼汉万劫不复的声音使苔丝在仓房门口停了一会儿。The voice of a "ranter"triumphantly consigning a Barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway.

在死囚牢里,我遭遇了这些我们的敌人,那些被社会认为是万劫不复,甚至我们的最高法院要运用法律手段将其永远铲除的敌人们。On death row, I encountered the enemy — those considered so irredeemable by our society that even our Supreme Court has made it legal to kill them.

事情本来进行的比你认为的要好,但是因为你让自己关注于事情的消极一面,你的工作环境似乎变得毫无希望,命中注定万劫不复。Things might be going better than you think, but because you have set yourself up to focus on the negative, your work situation seems hopeless and doomed.

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他是一个滥杀无辜的恶魔,在森林的野兽中散布堕落和疯狂,还险些让艾则拉斯陷入万劫不复。He was a demon who had murdered countless innocents , spread corruption and madness among the beasts of the forest, and nearly caused irreparable harm to Azeroth.

原本被视为民进党救星的蔡英文若是辜负了她的历史使命,她会不会成为民进党万劫不复的罪人?Tsai Ing-wen was originally seen as the savior of the DPP. If she fails to live up to her historic mission, will she instead become the DPP's irredeemable sinner?

因此,品牌延伸是一把“双刃剑”,既可能是一本万利的好事,也可能是前进中万劫不复的深渊。So, Brand extension is a " double-edged sword " it may be the good thing of making big profits with a small capital, or the abyss beyond redemption while advancing.