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他以祈祷来降伏了对手。He prayed down his rival.

我的爱面貌一新,而死神降伏。My love looks fresh, and death to me subscribes.

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认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己。Know yourself, conquer yourself, change yourself.

云何应住?云何降伏其心?How should live cloud? What the cloud destroy heart?

它改良平整度而且镇压降伏点伸长。It improves the flatness and suppresses the yield point elongation.

认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能爱别人。Self-knowing, self-overcoming, self-changing before loving someone.

使用此剑者可以降伏诸候,统御天下。He who uses this sword can overwhelm marquis and rule all countries.

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骨小梁的体积比越高,达到降伏应变的比例就越小。The higher the volume fraction, the lower the proportion of yield strain is.

当然,火药很快被发现而盖伊·福克斯亦同时降伏。Of course, the gunpowder was quickly discovered and Guy Fawkes was overpowered.

认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。Understand yourself, conquer yourself, change yourself, and then you can change others.

只有不用战斗而使敌方降伏,才是最高明的。The ability to subdue the enemy without battle is a reflection of the ultimate supreme strategy.

被降伏的蓝面王率领部下经过艰辛的努力终于锻造出了通天神树。The prostrated Blue Mask King and his followings finally forge the Holy Tree through hardly efforts.

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当人性的‘外面’降伏‘里面’时,黑暗的暴风云就开始在世上形成。When the 'without' of man's nature subjugates the 'within,' dark storm clouds begin to form in the world.

当人性的‘外面’降伏‘里面’时,黑暗的暴风云就开始在世上形成。When the 'without' of man's nature subjugates the 'within, ' dark storm clouds begin to form in the world.

新的长途战机如今已能直接将德国战机降伏于地面,使其动弹不得,将大片更为安全的蓝天还给盟军。New, long-range fighters could now destroy German Luftwaffe planes on the ground, making the skies even safer for the Allies.

我想象着自己在审讯本·拉登的法庭里,降伏这个在过去9年里在梦中困扰着我的长须男人。I imagined myself in a courtroom at his trial, facing down the bearded man who has haunted my dreams over the last nine years.

我们一定要悔改,不要再有忽略上帝的态度和行为,接受他的救恩并降伏在他的带领下。We must choose to repent, to stop ignoring God in attitude and action, accepting His salvation and yielding to His leadership.

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猛虎代表智慧,野鹿代表烦恼、愚昧,由此象征智慧降伏烦恼。This picture means the tigar is representing wisdom. The deer represents suffering. Therefore it means wisdom subdues suffering.

该庙是降伏赤眉军这一重大历史事件的标志性建筑。The temple is the symbolic architecture of this significant historic event of annihilation of the red-browed peasant insurrection.

他是文殊菩萨的忿怒形象,能降伏一切的世间魔障,增长行者的智慧与勇气。He is the angry look of Manjushri Bodhisattva. He can subdue all demons in the world and promote the cultivators wisdom and courage.