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水仙花,青青的草地,繁星满天。Daffodils. Green meadows.

青青的小草正在唱。The green grass is singing to us.

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点解你脸青青既。Why did you get face green green.

蜥蜴在青青草原。And the lizards below in the grass.

玫瑰花红,青草青青。The rose is red, the grass is green.

柔土青青,娇花似金。The fields of green and flowers gold.

草色青青接大川。Green grass spreads on huge mountains.

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顺便把“青青世界”拖长音。By the way, the "green world" long tone.

终于,到了目的地青青世界。Finally, to the destination green world.

青青绿草愈合了去井边的小径。The footpath down to the well is healed.

青青的树林笑出了欢乐的声音。When the green wood laugh with voice of joy.

水仙花,青青的草地,繁星满天。Daffodils. Green meadows. Skies full of stars.

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青青的树林笑出了欢乐的声音When the green woods laugh with the voice of juy

青青的草,翠翠的树,花儿正在开放。Grass and trees were green, flower were blooming.

青青的树林笑出了欢乐的声音。When the green woods laugh with the voice of juy.

昨晚美凤唱得比青青更优美。Meifeng sang more beautifully than Qingqing last night.

青青的石板路,缓缓流淌着积累的雨水。Green stone road, slowly flow accumulation of rainwater.

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又是三月春风暖,荠麦青青荡心扉。March Spring is warm, water chestnut green Mai Dang heart.

芦苇初生青青,白色露水凝结为霜。The reed is exhuberant frosted with the crystal white dew.

但是被烧糊涂的周青青却硬是折腾了尤斌一个晚上。But it just burned muddled Zhou Qingqing YouBin up a night.