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他行为荒淫,很快便挥霍掉了一大笔财富。He soon kissed away a large fortune.

它有可能会趋于荒淫和滥用。It can be subject to excesses and abuse.

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这一幕让人想起古罗马荒淫的狂欢宴会。It was reminiscent of a scene from a Roman orgy.

你存心拿玷辱门庭的婚姻来把忤逆和荒淫的杯子注满吗?You intend to fill up the cup of disobedience and profligacy by forming a low and disgraceful marriage?

纣王日益荒淫无道,大臣刚直劝谏者皆被杀被贬。King Zhou increasingly dissolute without Road, outspoken minister was demoted to remonstrate both killed.

上个月,一位法国治安官展开了一项对三位非洲领导人过分荒淫行为的调查,其中就包括邦戈。Last month a French magistrate launched an investigation into the excesses of three African leaders, including Bongo.

诗人通过写这一事件,鞭挞了唐玄宗和杨贵妃骄奢淫逸的生活和他们不顾国家、人民的荒唐、荒淫的做法。This poem condemns the extravagant and dissipated life of the Emperor Xuanzong and his concubine disregarding the ordinary people's life.

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巴西人民多信仰宗教,大多数教堂对于狂欢节期间的荒淫行为和婚姻假期表示难以茍同,天主教会数百年以来一直在进行这项战斗。Many of the churches frown on carnival as a time of loose behaviour and marriage-breaking, a fight that the Catholic church has waged for centuries.

如果他真的相信那些事过度荒淫的行为,如果他真的希望公平,为什么他不想想政府应该让人们不去接近错误?If he really believes that those are excesses and if he truly wants fairness, why does he think that the government should bail people out from their mistakes?

针砭清廷弊政,揭露封建统治阶级的荒淫凶残、横征暴敛,鼓动广大人民投身于反帝反封建运动,为祖国的独立、人民的自由而奋斗。The poems also call for the masses to devote themselves to the anti-imperialist movement and to struggle for the independence of the country and for the freedom of the people.