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此次陆路道口安检将持续7个月。The security check will last for 7 months.

不久我又准备回家——是经陆路。Soon I was ready to go home again- by land.

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他们终究还是决定从陆路走。They decided to go by the overland route after all.

帕格尼斯说,目前没有计划在未来派遣更多的陆路车队。Pagonis says there are no plans for future land convoys.

丝绸很轻,且易卷,所以可以走陆路运输。Silk, light and easily rolled up, could travel overland.

我想从尼泊尔加德满都陆路去印度新德里,有班车吗?I see India from Lumbini Nepal to Sonauli India, thank you!

埃德•吉勒斯皮耶正在进行陆路与海路环球旅行。Ed Gillespie is travelling around the world by land and sea.

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我们需要海路和陆路通道为那么多人提供食物和饮用水。You need sea or land access to feed and water so many people.

水路运输比陆路运输发展得更快。Water transportation developed much faster than land transportation.

虽然乘飞机会便宜些,我们还是走的陆路。We made the journey by land, though flying would hamm-e been cheaper.

由于没有舰队和军队,我们在水路和陆路上都易受攻击。We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army.

陆路交通局人造石技术公司在俄勒冈州和田纳西州的培训中心。JPJ Technologies has faux rock training centers in Oregon and Tennessee.

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我走陆路经过埃塞俄比亚南部到了肯尼亚边界上的小镇莫亚雷。I went by road through southern Ethiopia to the border with Kenya, Moyale.

危机的到来是在九月初,列宁格勒最后一条陆路被切断的时候。The crunch came when Leningrad’s last land link was cut in early September.

因此,他成为第一个由陆路从加州返回美国人。He thus became the first American to return from California on an overland route.

下跌过一次,1598年,由陆路进攻的巴伦厄尔的势力。It fell only once, in 1598, to a land assault by the Earl of Cumberland's forces.

联邦政府将邮递信件的任务交给了美国陆路邮递公司。It gave the job of carrying the letters to a new company -- the Overland Mail Company.

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公元13世纪,马可·波罗乘船,再乘车从陆路,由意大利到中国。Marco Polo traveled by ship and overland by caravan from Italy to China in the 1200s A.

中国古代陆路对外交通咽喉之地,是丝绸之路南路必经的关隘。Ancient Chinese outbound traffic of the throat of the land, it is inevitable Silk Road pass.

在一天之内,我们真正让我们的物资从空中进入缅甸,救援物资通过陆路车队进入缅甸。In one day, we really got stuff going in by air and aid supplies going in from land convoys.