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你还记得在阿瓦砾卡的那次围城吗?。You remember that little siege at Avaricum?

新版里海军将领也有围城值。In 1.16, naval leaders will also get siege pips.

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法国和越南的军队进入了一场旷日持久的围城战。The French and Vietminh settled in for a long siege.

这天墨尔本街头都会上演真实版的“僵尸围城”。On the day, a real "Dead Rising" was staged in the streets.

你问我面对督军山克并阻止围城的事?About to face Shenk the Overseer and stop the siege, are you?

围城之急解除了,令狐潮的军队溃败逃离。The siege was lifted and general Linghu's army fled the field.

围城是中现代文学史上一部作风共同的挖苦小说。Siege in modern literature history is a unique style of satires.

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那些防守城市的也不会进攻围城一方的营地。Those in the cities would not attack the tents of the besiegers.

在本书完结的那一刻,困扰本人多年的围城就消失了。The moment I finished this book the fort that trapped me vanished.

他们晚上转回,叫号如狗,围城绕行。They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl about the city.

苏联当局对围城战的这一面只字不提。Soviet authorities were absolutely silent about this aspect of the siege.

而靠房子北边有几棵白杨树围城的一个小花园。On the north side of the house several poplar trees formed a small garden.

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第一、参与者躺坐在一起,围城一个圆形或者一个方形。First, participants reclined and arranged themselves in a circle or square.

2001年,塔利班组织被盟军围城12天后退出昆都士城,此后这里相对比较稳定,这里是塔利班用于抵御以美国为主导的反恐部队的最后一个大城市。It was the last major city to fall to the American-led anti-Taliban forces.

在围城的时候,只要能有一点食物,电和水,就很有运气了。During the siege, we were lucky if we had any food, electricity or even water.

颍州围城战役是捻军史上的重大战事。The siege campaign on Yingzhou was a major warfare in the Nian Army's history.

步入婚姻围城的情侣最好不要在本月发生拌嘴和争执。Married couples are advised to avoid arguments and confrontations in this month.

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我已经告诉夸尔凯克打破这一次围城的计画,但是他并没有理会。I've offered Qual-Kehk my ideas on how to break the siege, but he dismisses them.

也可能有许多更好的地方可以去,比正在准备着抵御围城的要塞要好得多啊。There are perhaps better destinations than a fortress in caparison for a sieging.

围城内公众的兼听权遭遇到从未有过的侵害。In the besieged cities the animal nature right of the public have been infringing.