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书呆子大叫。Bookworm shouted.

他是个书呆子。He is a bookworm.

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你们两个都是书呆子。You are both dorks.

罗杰是一个书呆子。Roger is an egghead.

我那时候完全是个书呆子,So I was a total geek,

书呆子问运动员。Bookworm asked Sportsman.

我不会跟像他这样的书呆子约会。I can't date a dork like him!

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我总是把他当作书呆子。I always refer to him as bookworm.

你们难道要把我变成书呆子吗?Can you make me into a bookworm it?

过去他在高中时是位书呆子。He used to be a nerd in high school.

我们办公室的工程师是一个真正的书呆子。The engineer at my office is a real dweeb.

最后,书呆子是比我们想象中更强大。Last, nerds are more powerful than we know.

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最后,书呆子是比我们想象中更强大。Last, nerds are more powerful than we know.

他们真的很迂腐,像书呆子。They tend to be really like nerdy and booky.

书呆子们在建设某种东西的过程中自得其乐。Also, nerds get a high out of building stuff.

只要成绩优良,不要当书呆子,不要太出色。Good, but not a nerd. Good, but not excellent.

这就是书呆子应对第一次约会的方法。That’s how a nerd copes with first-date anxiety.

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书呆子单身汉在追求单身的抽象的科学家?Bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist?

大家都叫我书呆子,可我不在乎。Everyone called me bookworm, but I just don't care.

这些书呆子懂得什么实际得事物?What do these eggheads know about practical things?