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它看起来像一个马鞍。It looks like a saddle.

在或者像在横座马鞍上。On or as if on a sidesaddle.

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他纵身跨上马鞍。He swung himself into the saddle.

好的,我就教她骑女用马鞍吧!I'll teach her to ride sidesaddle.

马鞍擦伤了马背。The saddle galled the horse's back.

她更喜欢骑马时不用马鞍。She prefers to ride her horse bareback.

别忘了你的马鞍和马笼头。Don ' t forget -font saddles and bridles!

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叫他牵住小马并套上马鞍。One who breaks wild horses to the saddle.

昨天简给她心爱的马装上了马鞍。Jane bridled her favourite horse yesterday.

叫他牵住小马并套上马鞍。Tell him to catch the ponies and saddle up.

在马鞍峰教会我们建立了一个简单的个人评估工具,帮助成千人保持在神的五个目的里。thousands of people stay on-purpose for God.

他在马鞍上也“坐立不稳”。Nor does he "sit well or firmly on the horse."

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我们得到命令,天一亮就要上好马鞍准备出发。We got the order to saddle up just after dawn.

后台和楼顶如马鞍形。Background and the roof, such as saddle-shaped.

Jake紧张的抓住母马的马鞍。JAKE nervously grips the surcingle of the mare.

马鞍是放在马背上供人骑的器具。A fire extinguisher is a fire-fighting implement.

身体上的斑块是白色,呈马鞍形。Its patch on the body is white and saddle-shaped.

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记住,你只是学会了骑女用马鞍。Remember, you've just learned to ride sidesaddle.

好的,奶妈。我就教她骑横座马鞍吧。All right, Mammy. I'll teach her to ride sidesaddle.

任何马种都可以配备英式马鞍。You can use an English saddle on any breed of horse.