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假使非去不可的话,她就得去。She shall go, if needs must.

假使事情还能更糟的话,它会的。If from can go wrong! it will.

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假使我不到那里去一下,他们将说些什么呢?What would they say if I did not go?

假使大人都能回答这个问题。Even children ca remedy this question.

假使你看不见它,又怎么能到达那儿呢。You can’t get there if you can’t see it.

假使这车发动不了,试着推一推它。If the car won't stculture, try pushing it.

假使一个人健康什麽事都能率得到。Given good health, one can achieve anything.

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假使爱是好的,我的悲哀从何而降?If Love is good, from where has come my woe?

假使有人捉住我,他们就会枪毙我。If they were to catch me, they would shoot me.

假使这封信撕碎了你们的心,你们就照样向它报复,把它撕碎。If this letter lacerates you, do the same by it.

假使我在一个函数中,我需要一个空格。So, suppose I'm in a function, I need the space.

所以现在假使它是一个整数或字符。So for now assume it's got to be an int or a char.

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那件事假使他们知道了,会使他们改变态度的。That matter would change their tune if they knew it.

假使我们突然被扔进那样那样一个世界会怎样?And what if we were suddenly thrown into such a world?

假使你以为你很胖,事实上黄金版电视棒软件。你会想减肥吗?。If you think you are fat! do you wish to lose your weight?

假使你计划去有熊出没的地方露营,这里还有最后的一点建议。One last bit of advice if you plan to camp in bear country.

假使我想跟从你,他们能否会活力呢?。Would they feel irritdined ond if I thought of joining you?

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假使我们真能看到别人的困难。When we actually see the difficulties that other people face.

假使你足够幸运遇到下雪的天气,切记不要清扫走道。If you're lucky enough to have snow, don't shovel the walkway.

不要骗我,你理解假使你的诳言我都会自信。Do not deceive me, you knew even if your lie I all can believe.