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我是超人!I am Superman!

我是超人!I was Superman!

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超人对决蝙蝠侠?Supes Vs. The Bat?

超人也挽救不了他的生命。Superman can't save him.

我是思想上的超人。I am idealistically super.

她一定是个超人。Show must be a superwoman.

就连对超人,也是一样。Even those who would be gods.

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他们认为他是个超人。They classed him as a superman.

我送了她一只咸蛋超人公仔给她。I give her a egg super man doll.

戴了假面的超人才算是假面超人。A masked superman is a true Kabuto.

汉考克是个没人爱的超人。Hancock is the superhero nobody likes.

你不可能再40岁的时候还扮演超人。You can't play Superman into your 40s.

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我就像超人一样无往不利!I'm superman with the wind at his back.

预知是超人的洞察力的一种形式。Precognition is a form of clairvoyance.

不用把自己当成超人或神力女超人。Don’t try to be Superman or WonderWoman.

但是超人并不意味着超自然。But superhuman does not mean supernatural.

这可是日本最超人气的偶像剧呢。It's the most popular soap opera in Japan.

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超人是漫画中众所周知的英雄。Superman is a well-known comic-strip hero.

这是超人阿谢第二辑的预告片。This is the trailer of SuperTsea Season 2.

但是,如果你的超人梦与我的南辕北辙,请看“梦到降落”。But what if your superhero dreams go south?