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“你就是不看好她,”我反唇相讥。"You just don't believe in her," Iaccused.

在某种情况下,反唇相讥是必要的。Under certain conditions, answering back sarcastically is necessary.

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当我的骨子硬朗长出羽翼,我开始学会冲您反唇相讥。When my bone son hale grow wings, I began to learn to rush you retorted.

我想,不然我们还得坐着受火刑,”唱歌的人反唇相讥,“可别吵了,老头,像个基督徒似的念你的圣经吧,决不要管我。But wisht, old man, and read your Bible like a Christian, and never mind me.

过后,他通常还会对那些不让座的人反唇相讥。Later he usually makes some recriminatory remark against those that kept their seats.

副总统反唇相讥,“不要用这种语气对我说话,要注意你是在和谁说话。The Vice President snaps, “Don’t take that tone with me. Remember who you’re talking to.

上赛季贝尼特斯和弗格森为英超夺冠竞争赛跑而进行彼此的反唇相讥。Last season Benitez and Ferguson jousted verbally as the race for the league title reached a climax.

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经常是,即使没有反唇相讥,也有太多的情绪在里面。Frequently, there has been too much emotion around, even if there have been no spoken recriminations.

尽管老人的儿子为自己受到辱骂而感到迷惑不解,他还是耐住性子没有反唇相讥。The patient son did not talk back to his father's servant. He suffered his abuse, even though it puzzled him.

麦凯恩竞选班子则反唇相讥,说奥巴马把关键的白宫会谈变成了一个政治漫骂的比赛。In turn, the McCain campaign accused Obama of turning the critical White House meeting into a political shouting match.

他们批评他常常说谎,他反唇相讥说世人都说过谎。They criticized him that he often told lies,and he recriminated by saying that anyone living in the world had told lies.

奥巴马则反唇相讥地扯出了麦凯恩在19世纪80年代的“基廷五人组”丑闻中扮演的角色。Mr Obama retorted by talking about Mr McCain’s role in the Keating Five scandal, part of a savings-and-loan fiasco in the 1980s.

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看来奥哈拉只能依靠自己的发挥在半决赛中来完成他的希望了。奥哈拉的言论已经引起了热刺主帅雷德克纳普的反唇相讥。O'Hara could only have played in the semi-final had Spurs won and his comments led Spurs boss Harry Redknapp to hit back at the midfielder.

她经常在深夜与赛蒙的反唇相讥里,提及这两个男人不寻常的关系。There was something not quite right about the relationship between the two men, she used to say in those late-night recriminations. Something unhealthy.

陆柏指责令狐冲昨晚杀了嵩山派的弟子,令狐冲反唇相讥昨天两嵩山派偷林家的辟邪剑谱。Last night LiuBai accused linghu chong kill songshan pie disciple, retorted linghu chong yesterday two songshan sent to steal the lins wizardry sword spectrum.

民主党人则反唇相讥。他们说,坚持要保留对富人的减税政策是共和党人,而这项政策则是问题的主要症结所在。众议员贝塞拉也在福克斯电视节目中发表了讲话。Democrats counter that it is Republican insistence on preserving tax cuts for the rich that is the major sticking point. Once again, Congressman Becerra, who also appeared on Fox.

反凯恩斯主义者反唇相讥——债券市场的下跌很少是渐进式的,往往一个坏消息就能触发一轮大跌,比如信用评级下调。The anti-Keynesians point out that bond market sell-offs are seldom gradual. All it takes is one piece of bad news – a credit rating downgrade, for example – to trigger a sell-off.

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虽然你有理,但也不可在情书中反唇相讥,直言剖白,而是应当多叙述客观事实,婉转申明,让对方意识到是自己误会了。While you are right, but not in love retorted Poubai respect, but should be more objective account of the fact tactfully stated that the other side is aware of his own misunderstood.

迪拜政府一方面拒绝发表公告,具体说明它将如何处理迪拜世界的债务问题,另一方面还对“迪拜的发展模式在金融危机冲击下已经破产”的说法反唇相讥。The government refused to issue detailed statements of how it was to handle Dubai World's debt problems, and rounded on those who said that the crash had undermined Dubai's development model.