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保罗不得任何报酬。Not Paul.

报酬的压力?Pressure of rewards?

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他辞去了一个报酬非厚的工作。He threw up a well-paid job.

一些州甚至会给你报酬。Some states will even pay you.

他不要报酬。He forbore claiming the reward.

闲逸是劳动的报酬。Leisure is the reward of labor.

他们会对你的志愿者办事付以报酬吗?Do they pay you for volunteer work?

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他许下要给大报酬的诺言。He made promises of a large reward.

一个大使的职位?作为我的报酬?An ambassadorship? That's my payoff?

他将支付的报酬是每个钟大约100元。He would pay about 100 yuan per hour.

法律没有禁止给予志愿者报酬。No laws forbid payment to volunteers.

他们问他想要什么报酬。They asked him what reward he wanted.

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如果你付了报酬,他们就会不怎么喜欢你了。If you pay them, they'll like you less.

他不图报酬地努力工作。He works hard without any hope of reward.

失去土地的村民可以获得报酬。Landless villagers are paid for this work.

她能得到这样一个报酬优厚的工作真幸运。She was lucky to get such a well-paid job.

她们只能拿到普通报酬的三分之一。They only charge a third of the usual fee.

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公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。The company compensates her for extra work.

一个人做了工作,就要得到报酬。A person should be remunerated for his work.

等拿到报酬,都不知何年何月了。It could be years before we get our payment.