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六经是儒家宝典,都经过孔子之手。The six channels are classical documents of the Confucianists.

在他看来,六经乃圣人的“写心之书”。In his opinion, the six classics were holy person's mind reflections.

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脉证的变化是判断六经病证是否传变的主要依据。Network card in the judgement of the six-card is the main basis for change.

不能将六经中的厥阴之“厥”与厥证之“厥”相混淆。We could not confuse the Jue of Jueyin in the six channels and the Jue in syncope.

孟子对六经有所研究,他继承和发展了六经的思想。Mencius not only studies the Six classics but also inherits and develops the thoughts of them.

并从六经辨证、糖尿病及并发症不同切入点,提出了临床具体运用原则、思路及方法。From the different cut-in point, we proposed the exact application principle, clew and method in clinic.

讨论六经实质,关键在于对“三阴三阳”的理解。To discuss the essence of six meridians, the key point is the comprehension of three yin and three yang.

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六经辨证是否同时既适用于伤寒病又适用于杂病?Or, whether it fits for all diseases of internal medicine, not only those caused by exogenous pathogenic agents?

只有考察了这一命题,我们才能在把握“六经皆史”本质含义的基础上全面理解实斋的儒学思想。Only by pondering this question can we grasp the essence of the famous maxim and completely understand Zhang's thought.

故而,了解六经病欲解时理论有助于临床有针对性的因经遣方用药。Hence, a good understanding of theory of the recovery of the channel disease helps the prescription properly and clinically.

六经辨证是中医辨证外感病的一种辨证方法。Differentiation of syndromes acording to the theory of six meridians is a method of differentiating exogenous diseases in TCM.

研究章学诚的史学思想,“六经皆史”论是无法回避的问题。Study zhangxuecheng's historical ideology, the theory of " six classics are all histories" is the question that we can't avoid.

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船山美学在经典诠释学的视域中展开,美学的意义是在“六经责我开生面”的诠释过程中生长出来的。As a canon hermeneutics, Wang Chuanshan's aesthetics develops its own meaning within the interpretation of Confucian canons and other classics.

本文试图用三个部分来对章学诚“六经皆史”意蕴探究的情况进行述评。This paper attempts to use three parts to review the situation of exploring the implications of Zhang Xue-cheng's"Six Classics are all history".

孔子是中国古代杰出的编辑家,他在整理、编辑“六经”过程中阐发了丰富的编辑思想。Confucius was an outstanding editor in ancient China, who expounded abundant editorial thought in the process of arranging and editing the "Six Meridians ".

从六经病的理、法、方、药等方面探讨张仲景脾胃学说的内涵,认为六经病证的发生发展多取决于脾胃的盛衰。The connotation of the spleen and stomach theory was explored in aspects as pathology, treatment method, recipe, and herbal medicines in diseases of six meridians.

研究六经辨证主要包括六经生理、六经病理、六经病证与六经辨证。The study of six meridian syndrome differentiation includes six meridian physiology, six meridian pathology, six meridian syndrome and six meridian syndrome differentiation.

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儒家认为孔子曾对六经进行删改、创作的意见,比推定孔子“不可能”改动历史文献的意见合理。In the Confucists' opinion, it's more reasonable to believe that Confucius had revised the Six Canons than to consider it is impossible for Confucius to change historical materials.

本文试从四个方面即“六经皆史”的提出、内涵、意义及阶级实质来通观章学诚“六经皆史”的全貌。This article focused on four aspects to give a general introduction of Six Confucian Classics being history, which include its reference, connotation, significance and its class essence.

在重返六经的过程中,宋恕解读经典的方法可称之为“同情的了解”,与现代诠释学的方法有相通之处。In his close rereading of the six Chinese classes, he interpreted them in a so-called "sympathetic understanding" approach which shares much in common with the modern interpreting approach.