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世界的本来面目是什么样的?What the world originally looked like?

我们在重现历史的本来面目。We are restoring history's original face.

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不要因为个人成见而改变事物的本来面目。We don't change things out of personal prejudice.

智慧就是迅速看出事物本来面目的能力。Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.

与接纳事情的本来面目,臣服于当下时刻,活在当下有何关联?And acceptance of what is?And surrender to the Present Moment?

青蛙先生显示出你的本来面目。Show the staff at Senor Frog’s just exactly what you’re made of.

不断地努力学习和成长,但是按我们的本来面目接受自己。Constantly seek to learn and grow, but accept yourself exactly as you are.

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在某些特定的时刻,可将影子描绘成比它的本来面目更长。Cast shadows can be longer than they would appear at a specific time of day.

永恒的视野可以帮助你看到事物的本来面目。March 1O Everlasting perspective helps you keep things in their proper light

允许自己变成愚人,看事物的本来面目。Give yourself permission to be a fool and see things for what they really are.

它是你的高我或真我,你的神圣本质尝试提醒你记起你的本来面目。It is your higher or true self, your divinity trying to remind you of who you are.

在我眼中,某些东西去掉了它身上璀璨夺目的光环,转而回归了它的本来面目。In my eyes, the splendid aura of something was faded and returned to what it should be.

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无论何时,只要它显示出它的本来面目,真正的生活就陷入停滞。It is basically uninhabitable. Whenever it shows its true nature, real life bogs to a standstill.

只有通过奉献服务,人才能理解我作为至尊人格神首的本来面目。One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional service.

在自由媒体这面镜子中公众可以看到社会的本来面目,没有睫毛膏也没有发胶。The free media serve as a mirror in which the public can see itself sans mascara and styling gel.

“我们很清楚地知道发生了什么事,因为这些岛屿提供了证据,”他说,“自然界把其本来面目展现在我们目前。"We have a very clear view of what's going on, and these islands provide that," he says. "It puts it on us.

一般来说,黑白渐变思维是成熟的标识,可以使人们看到世界的本来面目。Overall, thinking in shades of gray is a sign of maturity, enabling people to see the world as it really is.

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效果,尤其是混响,能够掩饰吉他原本的声音,让你忘却其本来面目是什么样的。Effects, especially reverb, can greatly mask the sound of a guitar and cause you to forget its natural sound.

毕加索创作了成千上万幅风格各异的作品,有时他表现的是事物的本来面目,有时好似将事物掰成了一块块的。Picasso painted thousands of pictures in many different styles. Sometimes he painted the natural look of things.

饥饿的孩子,被剥削者压迫的人民、贫穷和痛苦,这些都在嘲讽人类的生活的本来面目。Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.