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2010年3月16日的湖面大致范围以白色轮廓线呈示。The approximate extent of the lake on March 16, 2010, appears as a white outline.

论述在逻辑思路和呈示的信息方面不乏某些关键性的弱点。This argument suffers from several critical weaknesses in logic and information presented.

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本文对他在这首作品中的“调性呈示与贯穿”手法作了初步的概括和分析。The article summed up and analyzed his technique of exposition and permeated tonality in the work.

现在,我们下面会听到主题的第二次呈示,我有三个问题要问你们。Now, we're going to go on to the second presentation of the theme, and I have three questions for you as we do so.

网民对现实中流通的某些词语的拒绝,只是想呈示一种独立不羁的自由姿态。The network users just want to show a kind of unruly and uncontrolled posture by refusing to employ some current words.

一到梅尔庄园,达尔文就对他的舅舅乔塞亚说了旅行的事,并呈示他父亲的反对理由。Upon arriving at Maer Hall Darwin spoke to his uncle Josiah about the voyage, and presented his father's objections to it.

两篇作品附呈。随同的相片摄于今日,以呈示在文章中所提到的两件法宝。Two new works attached. Accompanying them is a photo taken today to show the two Dharma treasures mentioned in the article.

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“阿波罗号”飞行团的使命本是揭示月球的真相。然而,他们呈示给我们的却是地球和我们人类自己。The Apollo missions were supposed to reveal the truth about the Moon. In fact, they taught us about the Earth –and ourselves.

本文是关于城市弱势群体家庭教育资源状况个案研究的结果呈示。The text shows us the conclusion of the individual case study of the resource state of the urban weak group's family education.

生命,是昌耀诗歌的总主题,呈示生命,是昌耀全部诗歌的根本目的和内在逻辑。Life is the overall theme of Chang Yao's poetry. Presenting life is the fundamental objective and underlying logic of all of Chang Yao's poetry.

其喜剧往往对现实人生提出质疑而不下判断,呈示悖论式的作品主题。In the comedies, questions are always raised about real life without making judgments and at the same time, the paradoxical themes are presented.

高逸,是李白诗中呈现出的一种高远、超逸的诗歌情韵品貌,其内质,又是一种距离美的呈示。Ingenious poetic style presents noble and unconventional characteristics in Li Bai's poetry, which is associated with the aesthetic perception of distance.

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子规意象和鸥鸟意象交互使用,呈示了词人在自我调解中寻求新的平衡,具有自家审美效应。Cuckoo image and gull image were mutually used, which shows that the poet were seeking new balance through auto-criticism. All this has the self-aesthetic effects.

在第二呈示部之前加入一段缓慢的引子和在第三乐章中插入土耳其风格的民间音乐,这是该作品的独特之处。Mozart made this work very particular by adding a slow introduction before the second exposition and inserting some folk music of Turkish style in the third tempo.

委员会及获授权人员可着令批约持有人于指定时间及地点将批约呈示。The Authority and an authorized officer may require a person holding a lease to produce it at such time and place as the Authority or authorized officer may specify.

为让这一类语言能具有激活想象、产生陌生化效果以充分呈示意象,新诗探求到一个遵语法反修辞规范的语言建设策略。In order for this kind of language to activate images and bring about alienation effect, modern poems turned to a strategy of complying with grammar and violating rhetoric.

第三部分,从高中语文有效课堂不同课型的角度,对文本新授课、复习训练课的学案设计编写做了重点的探索研究,并辅以教学实际学案的呈示和学案设计的设想说明。The third part focuses on the study-plan design of both new and review lessons from the perspective of different course types, with a demonstration and specification of study-plan following.

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中古时期的通变论所关涉到的不只是文辞的常变问题,而且还具有更为高远的天人关系的一种时间性呈示。The theory of "Tongbian" in the middle ancient times, referred to not only the common changes in the language, but also the spatiotemporal reflection about the relationship between heaven and man.

但是,由于小说文本竭力强调祥子性格悲剧中的社会悲剧意味,因之,从文本中所呈示的现实图景来看,祥子作为市民个性主义者所应该具有的性格力量,并未被文本充分展示出来。Because the novel put stress on the society tragedy of Xiangzi instead of the character tragedy of Xiangzi , the character power of Xiangzi as individualist is not showed enough in the real prospect.

但是,昌耀作为一个当代诗人,他的诗歌所呈示的内容及表达的情感,真实地再现了二十世纪中期以来的中国社会图景。But, Changyao is a contemporary poet, the emotion of the contents and expression that his verse presents to show, reappeared the middle of 20 centuries really hereafter of Chinese social diagram view.