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他生前做的好事将永留人世。The good he did will live after him.

他生前为他的歌迷做了太多的事。He did so much for his fans," Powell said.

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她父亲生前是个好静而独立自主的人。Her father was a quiet self-contained man.

吉的父亲生前是府内德高望重的教师。Its father is the house respected teacher.

他生前做的好事将永留人世。The good which he did will live after him.

Deana生前喜欢很多东西,她热爱生活。Deana loved so many things, she loved life.

她们父母在孩子出生前知道是连体婴儿吗?Did they know they were conjoined before hand?

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哦,我出生前几年他才去逝的。Oh, he died just several years before I was born.

从你们出生前至今,她一直在行医。She has been doctoring since before you were born.

何克生前留下遗言“把我的一切献给培黎中学”。His last words were "Give my all to Bailie School."

根据他自己生前的陈述来看,这位老人活了197岁。According to his own testimony, he was 197 years old.

表皮剥脱在生前或死后均可形成。In his skin exfoliation or after death can be formed.

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伊迪丝·梅斯菲尔德在家去世了,就像她生前所希望的那样。Edith Macefield died at home, just the way she wanted.

追悼会上,他的生前好友致了悼辞。His former friend delivered the eulogy on his funeral.

塔隆·血魔生前是古尔丹的一名助手。In life, Teron Gorefiend was one of Gul'dan's acolytes.

杰克逊死亡案再开庭,其生前照片令人揪心不已。Michael Jackson images dominate opening of death trial.

糟!他们会一直重复生前的动作徘徊不前!Damn! They will be repeat their act when they are alive.

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在人格功能产生前就开始运作。It functions for a while before the P-functioning begins.

乔布斯生前地演讲成为大师几回再三转评地热点。The speeches from Jobs turned to hot spot again and again.

这张图像拍摄于2009年,海湾原油泄漏发生前。This image was captured in 2009, before the Gulf oil leak.