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不三不四。Not three not four.

他是一个不三不四的艺术家。He's one of these artist chaps.

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如果你不三不四,我给你点眼颜色看看。If you no 3 no 4, I give you colour see see.

别在跟不三不四的女孩一起玩了!Jack, don't play with no three no four girl!

如果你不三不四,给你点颜色瞧瞧。If you no three no four, give you some color see see.

鬼知道啊。这儿总是聚着一群不三不四的人。God knows. There are always riff-raffs gathering here.

如果你再给我不三不四,我给你颜色看看。If you again no three no four, I give you color see see.

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他年轻时曾跟一些不三不四的人来往。He ran with a lot of dubious characters when he was young.

如果你不三不四的,我会给你点颜色看看。If you no three no four, I'll give you some colour see see.

如果你再不三不四,给你点颜色看看!If you not three not four, give you some colour to see see!

如果你继续不三不四的话,我就给你点颜色看看!If you no three no four, I will give you some color see see.

如果你不三不四,我将给你点颜色瞧瞧!!!!If you not three not four, I will give you a colour see see!

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如果你不三不四,我会给你些颜色看看。If you are no three no four, I'll give you some color to see.

如果你还是不三不四,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧!If you still not 3 not 4 , I'll give you some colour to see see!

如果你再不三不四的,我就给你点儿颜色看看。If you no three no four again, then I give you some colour see see.

如果你给我不三不四,我就给你点颜色瞧瞧。If you are neither three nor four, I will give you some colour to see!

若果你再对我不三不四,我就给你点颜色看看。If you to me no three no four again, I will give you some color to see see.

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如果你再给我不三不四,我就要给你点颜色看看!If you giv me not three not four again, I will give you some colour see see!

你如果跟像韦斯莱家或海格这样不三不四的人混在一起,你会受到影响的。You hang around with riffraff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid and it'll rub off on you.

这孩子有许多不三不四的朋友,他跟他们在一起除了玩乐之外什么都不在乎。This boy has many dubious and frivolous friends and, with them, he cares for nothing but amusement.