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东边往出冒大太阳。From the east, suns pop.

三重市是在台北的东边吗?Is Sanchung City east of Taipei?

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中东国家开始把目光投向东边。The Middle East is looking east.

东边的天空正在泛白。In the east, the sky was becoming.

它在西边和东边,It's on the west and the east side,

它在中央公园的东边。It's the east side of Central Park.

从东边的山尖上。Form the mountain peaks in the east.

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从东边的山尖上。From the mountain peaks in the east.

东边的天空正在泛白。In the east, the sky was becoming light.

旭日染红了东边的天空。The rising sun ensanguined the east sky.

东边红云现,次日雨淋淋。Red clouds in the east, rain in the next.

在台北东边,大约100公里左右。It's about 100 kilometres, east of Taibei.

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那个国家东边与海接界。The country is bounded on the east by the sea.

这条线东边的所有邻域属于葡萄牙。Everything east of the line belonged to Portugal.

与此同时,在建的旧金山湾大桥东边部分长2。Meanwhile the new SF Bay Bridge eastern span is 2.

她的骨灰,埋葬在村庄东边的桃园里。We buried her in a peach orchard east of the village.

天蝎座的那部分则位于天秤座的东边。And it was part of Scorpius , located to Libra's east.

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机场位于城市东边郊区。The airport stands in the eastern surburb of the city.

你看,那个,塔拉哈西和哥伦布,都在,呃,东边。You know, Tallahassee and Columbus are both, uh, east.

东边高处,整个山脊上黑压压的全是骑兵。The whole ridge, up on the east, is black with horsemen.