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这对布宛纳巴的党徒是一种教训!It will be a lesson to the Bonapartists!

她们被像危险的黑手党徒那样对待,这完全违反了国家法律”。They were like the only way to treat a dangerous mafia, which is totally in violation of state law.

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萨尔瓦多和马其顿等国的特种部队正在参加追剿复兴党党徒和恐怖凶犯的行动。Special forces from El Salvador , Macedonia, and other nations are helping to find and defeat Baathist and terrorist killers.

虽然威斯敏斯特抱怨声不断,但在此次政治辩论中仍不乏一些温和的中立派,而不仅仅是吵吵闹闹的党徒。For all the Westminster grumbling, British political debate still leaves room for a moderate middle, and not just deafening partisans.

佐治亚州一名历史教师允许学生们穿白色长袍,在关于种族歧视的历史项目中允许学生们打扮的像三K党徒一样。A history teacher in Georgia giving the green light on white robes, letting students dress like Klansmen for a history project on racism.

顽固不化的阿拉伯复兴社会党党徒应该对目前的暴力事件负主要责任,但是他们曾掌握的腐败权力与特权一去不返了。For the Baathist holdouts largely responsible for the current violence, there will be no return to the corrupt power and privilege they once held.

瑞典一家电视台2日报料称,该国王后的父亲曾经是一名纳粹党徒,并且依靠经营一家从犹太人手中夺来的工厂发财致富。Times a Swedish television material, said the king after his father was a Nazi, and rely on operating a seized from the hands of the Jews enrichment plant.

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那是1945年九月的时候,欧洲刚刚宣布二战结束,大批大批的纳粹党徒被关押,等候着对他们战争罪行的审问和宣判。It was September 1945, shortly after the end of World War II in Europe, and the highest-ranking Nazis still left alive were about to be tried for war crimes.

据知,“爱国党徒”遍布全国,而这是松户其中的少数传统的精英群。According to people, the 'Love Country's Spectre' has branches all around the country, furthermore it is said that it is one of the select few traditional team in Matsudo.

那张旺代①军用券是由以前的那个园丁钉在墙上的,他是一个老朱安②党徒,死在这修院里,死后由割风接替了他。This specimen of Vendean paper money had been nailed to the wall by the preceding gardener, an old Chouan, who had died in the convent, and whose place Fauchelevent had taken.

如果奥巴马总统屈服于国会中的狂热党徒,那么丑陋的前景就不难想象了--不仅仅指2010年的中期选举。Should President Obama give in to some of the wilder partisans in Congress, it is easy to imagine an ugly time ahead-and not just for the Democrats in the 2010 mid-term elections.

由于1930年代,德国纳粹主义的盛行,对范·斯迪芬尼茨上校来说,管理SV内部的的职责变得困难起来,因为很多SV的成员是纳粹党徒。As Nazism spread throughout Germany in the 1930's, it became more difficult for von Stephanitz to continue managing the SV due to interference from the many SV members who were Nazis.