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地图投影是地图学的数学基础。Map projection is the basis of cartography.

地图制作的技术被称为地图学。The art of map making is called cartography.

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最后展望了未来地图学的发展前景。Finally, this paper prospects the future development in cartography.

地图应用是现代地图学三大分支学科之一。Map application is one of the three subjects of the modern cartography.

信息时代赋予现代地图学新的内容、新的生长点。Modern cartology has new contents and new grow points in information era.

信息时代赋予现代地图学新的内容,新的生长点。Modern cartology has new contents and new growth points in information era.

现代地图学理论对地图学的影响意义深刻而久远。In a word, the modem cartography theory made a significant effect to cartography.

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随着电子计算机在地图学中的应用,屏幕显示地图日益广泛。As computer has been widely used in cartography, maps are shown on the screen increasingly.

制图综合是地图学的一个核心和难点问题。The new challenge is just what cartography generalization now confronts with in digital environment.

地图模型论是理论地图学研究中提出的一个重要理论。The theory of map model is an important theory to be proposed by studies in theoretical cartography.

地图的定义是目前地图学界讨论的重点专题之一。The definition of map, one of the important subjects, has been discussed in the cartographical field.

在地图上表现地貌的三维形态,是地图学研究的难点和热点。It is a difficulty and a focus of cartographic research to present three-dimension form of relief on map.

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地图是地球表面的平面表示或者图形表示。地图制作的技术被称为地图学。A map is a flat or graphic representation of the earth's surface. The art of map making is called cartography.

由于缺乏基于地图学和旅游学的旅游网络地图研究,旅游网络地图的发展受到影响。Because of lacking of the study on tourist web-map based on cartography and tourist, its development was blocked.

从地图的出现到如今地图学的成熟发展,经历了一个漫长的历史过程。From the map appearance until now the cartography mature development, this has experienced a long historical process.

由于地图的使用以及制作具有强烈的目的性,地图学在传统上便具有多重的矛盾及冲突。Due to there has distinct intention in map making and using, diversity and conflict are there in the tradition of cartography.

现代地图与地图学是传统地图与地图学发展到现代阶段的必然结果。Modern map & cartography is the necessary result of the traditional map and cartography which have developed on the modern stage.

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本文就知识创新工程的地图学的学科规划中的几个问题进行分析和讨论。This paper analyses and discusses some of the problems in the disciplinary planning of Cartography in Knowledge Innovation Project.

某地图学研究人员认为,一直以来世界地图不单因科学因素,还会因宗教、政治、艺术和其他令人痴迷的原因而被变形。One student of maps argues that the world map has always been shaped not by science alone, but by religion, politics, art and obsession.

作者试图通过分析论证,挖掘出地图的史料价值,找到一个利用地图学视角观察社会历史景观的路径。The author hopes that the discovery of all these maps will open up a window on history and provide a cartographic perspective on their study.