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数年之间,古奇奥尼帝国分崩离析。The dissolution of the Guccione empire took years.

没有了汉民族中国早就分崩离析了。Without the Han China could never have held together.

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美国汽车业巨头的全球汽车王国正经历着分崩离析。America's auto titans are dismantling their global empires.

然后,像卫理狼,我打在墙上,我的生活分崩离析。Then, like Wylie Coyote, I hit the wall and my life fell apart.

曾经那么幸福的三口之家如今却是分崩离析,天人永隔。Once so happy family of three is now falling apart, and forever.

这让我联想起了正在分崩离析的危机委员会。Which brings me to the case of the collapsing crisis commission.

你有大把时间来将这些角色搞得分崩离析。That you have hours to attenuate these characters and layer them.

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战争使全国分崩离析的局面变成了比较团结的局面。The war has changed a disunited country into a relatively united one.

否则,整个系统就会分崩离析--那样的话,系统就只是一栋有着多张门卡的房子。Otherwise the entire system falls apart. It's basically a house of cards.

然而,在一个民主的叙利亚里,这些联盟将很快分崩离析。These allegiances, however, would quickly evaporate in a democratic Syria.

不经历分崩离析的痛苦,谁会在意惊涛骇浪的清宁?Do not experience the pain of fall, who will care tempestuous waves of Qingning?

我认为,倘若我们听任这种劣行继续肆虐,那麽它会导致我们国家分崩离析,彻底毁灭。This, I think, can tear our country apart and destroy it if we carry it further.

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1993年到2006年间,胡图人和图西人之间的内战让这个国家分崩离析。A civil war between Hutus and Tutsis tore the nation apart between 1993 and 2006.

欧元区离分崩离析尚远,然而,似乎确实有了一些细小的裂缝。The Eurozone is far from shattered, yet there does seem to be some hairline cracks.

“若果我们想要用武力去推翻卡扎菲的统治,”他说,“我们本身的联合将分崩离析。”“If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force,” he said, “our coalition would splinter.

但伊拉克政治局势仍极为分崩离析,全国大选定于明年初举行。But Iraqi politics remain sharply divided and a national election is due early next year.

到了2002年年初,在发生愤怒的示威活动和银行挤兑之后,分崩离析。By early 2002, after angry demonstrations and a run on the banks, it had all fallen apart.

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国家的坚实的橡木栋梁开始分崩离析,整个大厦的屋顶将要坍塌。The solid oak beams of state are being cut to pieces and the roof will come crashing down.

并不缺乏努力的无知经常是导致最终分崩离析的最主要原因。Ignorance, not lack of effort, is often the most important cause of their ultimate downfall.

在许多经济学家看来,17个成员国分崩离析的可能性是存在的,但还谈不上大有可能。A break-up of the 17-member zone is possible, but not probable, according to many economists.