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目前她也病危。She is also critically ill.

父病危,速归。Father critically ill return soon.

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以利沙在年老病危中仍然为国效劳。Elisha still served the nation at his old age.

那信上说她母亲病危。The letter says that her mother is seriously ill.

根据中国报告,18名病人病危。As reported by China, 18 patients are critically ill.

秦桧病危后,高宗曾亲自前往探望。Qin Hui critically ill, the emperor personally to visit.

夫人听知母病危急,如何不慌?Naturally the news of her mother's illness greatly disturbed Lady Sun.

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然而他们所做的仅仅是在一次紧急救援中救助一个病危企业。But they have focused on staving offcatastrophe one bail-out at a time.

据说在1918年,出现流感症状数小时内,人就处于病危状态。In 1918, there were reports of people dying within hours of developing symptoms.

没想到沈教授病危,她夫人何教授拒绝亲子鉴定。Didnt think professor shen was dying, she lady professor he refused to paternity tests.

我听说我姨妈佩格蒂虽然上个月病危,但现在全好了。I was told that my aunt Peggotty was as right as rain now though she had been dying Last month.

在林顿病危之际,希斯克利夫强迫凯蒂与他儿子草草成婚。In Clinton fell seriously ill, and his son Study of Heathcliff forced Kate Moss hastily married.

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很久很久以前,在一个很远很远的地方,一位老酋长正病危。Long, long ago, in a very, very faraway place, an old tribal chief found himself terminally ill.

但是苏联的领导层,由于尤里.安德罗波夫的病危,他们没有作出什么有意义的回应。But the Soviet leadership, immobilized by the illness of Yuri Andropov, did not register the change.

现已知道,在哥哥病危期间他曾在病床旁提供照料。He is known to have provided bedside care for his older brother during a period of critical illness.

这种情况中是,但要是他是个病危的,病人,你扣动了扳机,你可以杀了他从而。In that case, but what if he was a terminally ill patient and you pulled the plug, you could kill him to.

这种情况中是,但要是他是个病危的,病人,你扣动了扳机,你可以杀了他从而。In that case, but what if he was a terminally ill patient and you pulled the plug, you could kill him to.

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她于1月13日出现症状,1月20日住院,目前病危。She developed symptoms on 13 January, was hospitalized on 20 January, and is presently in critical condition.

在关于将治疗集中在那些病危患者身上的讨论中,这一商业式的途径也很明显。That businesslike approach was apparent, too, in discussions over focusing treatment on those who are most at risk.

酒鬼们应该特别关注一下那些年龄在35至54岁之间病危人数的增长。Binge drinkers should take especial note of the rise in the number of people aged between 35 and 54 who are now dying.