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你们墨家从来都是这么理智的吗?Is that what you Mozi would have done sanely?

墨家在汉代以后湮没无闻。After the Han Dynasty, Mohism fell into oblivion.

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那墨家的兼爱岂不就是骗人骗己吗?Then Mozi's universal love is just blind talking?

现代新墨家是新近出现的一个学术派别。Modern Neo-Mohism is a academic faction arising freshly.

墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States.

他肯定墨家的兼爱思想,并把“兼爱”与“交利”相连。He gave full affirmation of Each Other's Love and Mutual Benefit.

谬误论是墨家逻辑的重要组成部分。Fallacy theory is an important constituent of Mohist school's logic.

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再次,阐述了本文的核心,即墨家积极道德的基本内容。Third, the writer addresses the core research on Mohist moral content.

分析研究了墨家的辩证思维方法论。This paper analyzes the dialectic thinking methodology of Mohist School.

墨学兴衰是与墨家组织的存亡相始终的。The Mohism is with the survival or perish of Mojia organism all the time.

先秦墨家思想中包含着丰富的人力资源管理心理思想。Mohism thoughts in Pre Qin Dynasty involved abundant thoughts on HR management.

第一章主要介绍墨家教育的出现。In chapter one , we mainly introduce the appearance of Mohist School's education.

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武术在发展过程中对墨家思想有一定的继承。In the process of its development, Wushu has been displaying the Mohist Ideology.

他捐狂桀骜的个性则承继了墨家侠义精神的气息。His arrogant temperament is a kind of inheritance of the chivalrous Mohist spirit.

墨家义利观与先秦诸子有所不同。The Mohists' concept of morals and benefits differ from the pre Qin Philosophers'.

有四个不同的学校,主要是茹,墨家,道家,法家。There were four main distinct schools which were the Ru, Mohist, Daoist, and Legalists.

墨家的“兼爱”就是爱所有的人,事实上,他们不懂得选择要真爱的人。Mozi's universal love is loving everyone that means you don't know whom you should love.

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这是暗藏于民间的墨家侠义精神的发掘与再现。It's the excavation and representation of Mohists' spirit of chivalry that concealed in the folk.

被韩非称为"世之显学"之一的墨家学派,是中国历史上的一支奇葩。Mohist School, which was one of "The schools of the world", is much wonderful in Chinese history.

墨家对谬误论的原创性研究,内容丰富、深邃,有中国特色。Mohist school's initial study of fallacy theory is rich, profound and of Chinese characteristics.