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不过,我放火烧了雨。I set fire to the rain.

不过,我放火烧了雨。But I set fire to the rain.

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那房子已被人放火烧了。The house has been set fire to.

谁放火烧了罗马城?Who set fire to the city of Rome?

他们还放火焚烧垃圾箱和汽车。They set fire to dumpsters and cars.

他疯了,放火烧了房子。He was crazy and set the house on fire.

万一马拉放火烧了房子。Just in case Marla burns the house down.

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没人知道是谁放火烧了那栋楼。NO one knows who set fire to the building.

暴徒们放火点燃了整排商铺。Rioters set fire to a whole row of stores.

一家旅馆和一个边防哨所被人放火。A hotel and a border post were set on fire.

押沙龙的仆人就去放火烧了那田。And Absalom's servants set the field on fire.

游击队放火烧了敌人的仓库。The guerrillas burned down the enemy's depot.

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这个精神病人企图在医院放火。The psychotic attempted to fire the hospital.

他们放火烧了村子为他的死进行报仇。They avenged his death by burning the village.

年,有人放火点着了国会大厦。In 1834, someone set the Houses of Parliament on fire.

这个警察责备他放火烧了这个建筑。The police blamed him of setting fire to the building.

因为他放火烧了一栋房子并且蓄意向我开枪。Because he set fire to a house and tried to fired at me.

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今天上午大学生们放火点着了大使馆。University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.

该座神庙在建造好以后几个世纪,由人为了谋求名声而把它放火烧毁。It was set ablaze a few centuries later by a man seeking fame.

很多商店被洗劫,一些店铺被放火焚烧。Many stores have been ransacked and some have been set ablaze.