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当你还是少年时?When you were teen?

赌上你的70级之路吧,少年!Gamble your way to 70!

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任何少年都虚情假意。Any lad was born untrue.

韶华不为少年留。Young left for juvenile.

少年懒惰,老来贫苦。A lazy youth, a lousy age.

但他特别偏爱两个少年。But he dotes on the teens.

这个少年就倒下去了。The juvenile went on down.

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她躺在另一个少年身边。And she beside another lad.

那里叫少年。There is teenager so called.

少年不再,惟余水仙。A jonquil, not a Grecian lad.

我爱的少年如歌。I love the young like a song.

詹姆斯和路都是十几岁的少年。James and Lou were teenagers.

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丹童子阿鲁玛,17岁少年一只。Dan Boy A Luma, a 17-year-old.

一生中少年时代的陶醉!Matutinal intoxication of life!

接待9-15周岁的少年踊跃报名到场!Welcome Ages 9 to 15 years old!

汉克是个淳朴的乡下少年。Hank is a small-town country boy.

少年和他们的甜心。Lads and their sweethearts lying.

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嗯,大多数人都是少年。Yeah, most of them are teenagers.

我们“少年不识愁滋味”。" The young do not sorrow taste".

当我还是少年时,我曾听过他演讲。I heard him speak when I was teen.