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特林达迪在1996年到2001年在那儿执业。Trindade practiced there from 1996 to 2001.

张华律师自1997年开始律师执业。Gavin Zhang was admitted to practice PRC laws in 1997.

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被吊销公证员执业证书的。His practicing certificate of a notary has been revoked.

我是一名此时此刻只想治病救人的执业医师。I'm a practicing physician trying to help people here and now.

有医师执业证和医师资格证。Has medical doctor practicing license and doctor qualification.

皮尔和特林达迪之前都有在克莱顿尤治执业的经历。Both Pill and Trindade have previously practiced at Clayton Utz.

所有371牙医执业洛锡安是发出了一份调查问卷。All 371 dentists practising in Lothian were sent a questionnaire.

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2000年始,执业于广东深鹏律师事务所。And he started to practice at Guangdong Shenpeng Law Firm in 2000.

他已通过法律考试,现在正执业当律师。He's passed his law examinations and is now practising as a lawyer.

唉,我回到家乡来执业,变成了你们想要我当的该死的讼棍。Well, I came back here and became the damned shyster you wanted me to be.

执业风险基金应当单独立户管理。A separate account for such fund shall be opened and be managed separately.

邹朝贵律师,中山大学法律本科毕业,现为广东尚典律师事务所执业律师。Lawyer Zou Chaogui is a graduate of Sun Yat-sen University, majoring at law.

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董明,法学博士,律师,美国纽约州执业律师。Ming Dong, Licensed Chinese lawyer and United States Attorney, Juris Doctor.

莎拉计划成为执业护士,阿什莉则有望成为药剂师。Sarah plans to become a registered nurse. Ashley may become a pharmacologist.

年底时,香港有1037家执业会计师行及101家执业法团。There were 1037 CPA firms and 101 corporate practices at the end of the year.

第四章辩护律师执业权益保障措施。The fourth discusses the lawyers' safeguard mechanism of rights and interests.

同样,补充和替代疗法的医生的执业水平也不平衡。The standard of complementary and alternative practioners is similarly uneven.

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徐律师1994年开始执业,担任过3家律师事务所主任。He started practicing law in 1994, and has served as the director of 3 law firms.

扬塔是政策主任为护士执业的美国学院。Jan Towers is Director of Policy for the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

许教授是执业于加拿大、新加坡和英国的公司法和商法律师。Prof Koh practised Corporate and Commercial law in Canada, Singapore and England.