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名气是一个大笑话。Fame is a big joke.

因为江心屿的名气很大。Because of its fame.

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这是一个与名气有关的故事。This is a story about fame.

作为一个歌唱家,玛丽的名气大起来了。Mary is booming as a singer.

怪不得,我既不富有,也没有什么名气。No wonder I’m not rich and famous.

但是对我来说,名气就像火箭燃料。But for me fame is like rocket fuel.

由于名气日益远播,渐渐地她有了很多弟子。As her fame grew she had many disciples.

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我倒是觉得浮梁茶的名气比较大。I'd say the tea of Fuliang is more famous.

奥尔科特的名气带来了很多钱。It brought Alcott fame and a lot of money.

我的名气不会很久,但是也足够久了。My kind of fame not very long, but long enough.

莱特兄弟的名气在1909年到达巅峰。By 1909 the Wrights reached the peak of their fame.

这一切造成了我在学校到现在还都留有一点小名气。All of these made me a little celebrity in my college.

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另外,默乐的美术班名气太大了。Also, the reputation of Moeller's Art Program is very good.

如果你是布莱德·彼特,就会抱怨自己的名气太大。If you’re Brad Pitt, you complain about how famous you are.

他在卡巴莱歌舞表演圈中刚刚开始有点名气。He was just starting to become known on the cabaret circuit.

经过10年的历程后,他回到法国,名气大振。After a 10 years journey, he returned to France a famous man.

蓝侬时常利用他的名气,以夸张的方式来表达他的论点。Lennon often used his fame to make a point in theatrical ways.

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但中国在上世纪80年代改革开放的时候,MJ正在他名气的巅峰。When China opened up in the 1980s, MJ was at his peak of fame.

柳大啊,我知道您的名气很大,但是您和您的社团这样的行为我不仅无法接受而且不能容忍!If you can't help, you can go. Just get fuck out of my way, OK?

随着名气和认可度的积累,他逐渐获得了许多在国外设计的机会。With fame and recognition also came the chance to build abroad.