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在自然环境中,他是一种温和、平静的狗。By nature he is an equable dog.

钦州除了自然环境优美。Apart from its beautiful natural environment.

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海洋污染破坏自然环境。Sea pollution spoils the natural environment.

在自然环境中确有杂交现象发生。Hybridization does occur naturally in the wild.

这是自然环境作用于肌肤老化的第一天敌。This is the number one environmental cause of skin aging.

凤冈是一个自然环境优美的地方。Feng Gang is a natural county with many places of interest.

兴建郊野公园是为了保护我们的自然环境。Country parks are set up to conserve our natural environment.

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再再然后它变成了非人类动物和自然环境的代表。And then it becomes the non-human animals and the environment.

主要考察水韵扬州的成因,一是自然环境。Mainly on the causes of the water rhyme Yangzhou, one natural.

第四章“自然环境意象群研究”。The fourth chapter "natural environment image group research".

个人利益,自然环境,社会污染Privatising profit and natural resources, socialising pollution

在自然环境中,总共有二十多种不同的食人鱼。There are more than twenty different species of piranhas in the wild.

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我们建议的是一个“人工化”的,且并非是仿造自然环境的公园。We propose a Park that is "artificial" and not an imitation of nature.

这些难逃刀下殂命运的小牛,其实仍是喜爱在自然环境下生长。The calves destined to become beef tend to have the most natural lives.

在模仿自然环境的方式下,人参被稀疏地种植在森林里。With the wild-simulated method, seeds are planted thinly in the forest.

江西的自然环境适合于多种植物的生长,境内蕴藏着丰富的芳香植物资源。The natural environment of Jiangxi is suited to grow many kinds of plants.

由于长期暴露在自然环境中,沙岩的表面已经风化了。The sandstone fa?ade had disintegrated from long exposure to the elements.

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由于长期暴露在自然环境中,沙岩的表面已经风化了。The sandstone façade had disintegrated from long exposure to the elements.

第二是要防范人类活动对自然环境的破坏。The second one is protection of natural environment from human activities.

自然环境大臣贝尼昂的领导得到了一致赞同。The natural environment minister Richard Benyon led the chorus of approval.