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谁做的民意调查?Who did the poll?

这次民意调查由谁资助?Who paid for the poll?

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它还为谁做民意调查?Who else do they poll for?

我们谦恭地接受民意授权。We humbly accept their mandate.

这是根据最新的美联社依普索民意调查得出的结论。That's according to a new AP Ipsos poll.

它是正当的民意调查机构吗?Is this a legitimate survey organization?

今日伊朗街头上,就是一股沛之难御的强大民意。And today there is a head of steam to vent.

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民意和第二次世界大战〉,印刷本。"Public Opinion and World War II. " Typescript.

6月20日的一项民意调查显示出一种三足鼎立的态势。A June 20 poll had the race a three-way dead heat.

对1506位成年人的民意调查是在7月22日至26日进行的。The poll of 1,506 adults was conducted July 22-26.

那时候,杜卡基斯在民意调查中已经远远落后。By then Dukakis had fallen well behind in the polls.

杂志2009年100位最性感女性的民意调查中,粉丝们!!!投票去吧!!!Vote for Milla in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women 2009 poll!

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头一次,有些民意调查显示我处于领先位置。For the first time, some polls showed me in the lead.

此外,最近的民意调查还发现,克林顿参议员在印地安纳州有微弱优势。Recent polls in Indiana give a slight edge to Clinton.

世界经济论坛的报告很大程度上基于民意调查。Much of the forum’s report is based on opinion surveys.

今次天星钟楼事件,为港府吸纳民意的机制敲响警钟。The clock tower affair has set the alarm bells ringing.

这样的行动似乎和早期的民意调查相一致。Such moves seem to chime with early public-opinion polls.

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这样的话,日本也许就能拥有顺民意得民心的政府。That way, Japan might actually get some decent government.

哈佛大学民意测评专家罗伯特·布雷顿称民调依然不甚清晰。pollster Robert Blendon said public opinion remains mixed.

布什极少惊慌失措而犯错,他的民意支持率也扶摇直上。He rarely blundered and his popularity in the state soared.