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他给予我们圣庙作为家。He gave us our home as a temple.

大圣庙坛中的老孙金身。A gilded Monkey enshrined in his "Great Sage" temple.

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一位印度教徒,步行前往喜马拉雅山的圣庙去朝圣。An Indian believer went on a pilgrimage to the saint temple in Himalaya mountains.

躯体是座圣庙,但在你重新装饰它之前,又能在同样的房子里住上多久呢?Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate?

他是热忱的宗教徒,曾重建巴比伦尼亚和亚述的许多圣庙。A religious zealot, he rebuilt or adorned most of the major shrines of Assyria and Babylonia.

在星期五晚举办赎罪日活动前夕,犹太虔诚教徒在耶路撒冷古镇圣庙西墙进行祈祷。Jewish worshippers pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, ahead of Yom Kippur, which begins on Friday evening.

文物保护专家们称,泰米尔猛虎组织对斯里兰卡佛教圣庙的一次炸弹袭击,意外地炸出了非常珍贵的壁画。Conservation experts say a Tamil Tiger bomb attack on Sri Lanka's sacred Buddhist temple accidentally uncovered priceless murals.

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多年后新一代南越王荣狄继位,前去圣庙参拜,请大祭司用九星轮为南国庶民占卜将来吉凶!New generation of south Vietnam after years WangRong ShengMiao visits to sardis king, priest, please with nine star wheel is truly future!

新庄武圣庙在庙的左侧购买一百八十坪建地并议决兴建地下一层地上六层的现代化图书馆,现在已在进行中,不久即可竣工启用。Is it go to layer of modernized libraries not building ground flooring to resolve after deliberation, already in process now, can complete and launch soon.

于同年二月成立台北圣庙建设筹备处,共募集约五千坪作为孔庙的建筑基地。Temple in Taipei in February the same year established the Preparatory Office of Construction, raising a total of about 5000 base floor construction as the Confucius Temple.