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把沙锅菜烤一小时。Bake the casserole for an hour.

你要不要再来点沙锅菜?Would you like to order some more casserole?

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搭配烤肉或沙锅炖菜口味颇佳。Best with roast meats and casseroles or stews.

对不起,沙锅给炖焦了。I'm sorry the casserole has gotten over cooked.

您也可以选择用沙锅来制备这一种肉汤。You can also use it in casseroles to great effect.

谁会去分享沙锅菜或者是盘装菜呢?Have everyone bring a casserole to share or a dish.

因为我喜欢吃沙锅炖,和沙罐。Because I love to eat casserole stew, and the sand pot.

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它可以生吃或放在沙锅里煮熟才吃。They can be eaten plain or cooked in a tasty casserole.

非常适宜搭配红肉,禽类,沙锅菜及乳酪。Pairs well with red meats, poultry, terrines and cheese.

适合搭配野味,味浓的禽类或沙锅菜。Well suited to game, flavorful poultry or hearty casserole.

特别适合搭配沙锅炖菜、禽类、蔬菜等。Particularly suits casseroles , poultry and stuffed vegetables.

郑州哪里有卖土豆粉的沙锅的???Zhengzhou where has sells the earth soybean flour the earthen pot???

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然后用胡椒粉盐料酒腌20分钟后取出,置明火沙锅内烤至断生即成。Steep in pepper , salt and wine for 20 minutes , roast on an open fire.

门边一个小炭炉,上面放着一个小沙锅,微微地冒着热气。There was a small oven by the door, upon which was a pan steaming slightly.

内幕的IGN编辑大卫克莱曼帮助自己小麦沙锅在最近的E3展。IGN Insider editor David Clayman helps himself to a wheat casserole at a recent E3.

非常适宜搭配红肉,禽类,沙锅菜及乳酪。Pairs well with red meats, poultry, terrines and cheese. Wine Enthusiast – 88 points.

门边一个小炭炉,上面放着一个小沙锅,微微的冒着热气。There was a small charcoal stove by the door, and on it a small, simmering casserole.

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搭配头盘、沙锅菜、冷肉、各种鱼类、海鲜、白肉类及禽类口味颇佳。Starters, pâtés and terrines, cold meat, all kinds of fish and seafood, white meat and poultry.

一款适合任何场合饮用的美酒,可与烧烤,意面,沙锅或任何清淡食品搭配。An easy drinking wine for all occasions, with barbecues, pasta, casseroles or any type of light food.

非常适宜搭配白肉类,烤羊腿及沙锅类蔬菜。Particularly suitable as an accompaniment for white meat or grilled lamb and for terrines of vegetables.