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爱护动物,珍惜生命。Love animals, cherish life.

珍惜青春年华!Do treasure your spring age.

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或者我们应该珍惜它。Maybe we should treasure it.

所以要珍惜你拥有的。So appreciate what you have.

所以要珍惜你拥骀有的。So appreciate what you have.

我们需要珍惜每一刻。We need to live each moment.

娥们的未来娥想恏恏的珍惜。I think our future good value.

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你拥有的每一刻都要珍惜。Treasure every moment you have.

要珍惜大好时光。You should treasure good times.

珍惜生命,远离雷剧!Cherish life, stay away from it!

我会永远嘚珍惜伱!I will get to cherish you forever!

你拥有了列农却没有珍惜他。You had Lennon but you wasted him.

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珍惜你所拥有的每一刻时间。Treasure Every Moment That You Have!

在此,我希望你能更好的珍惜你的朋友!Plese have good care for your friend.

不能嘚到的,更嘦珍惜。Treasure the things you can't obtain.

“我们很珍惜我们的隐私,”法雷尔说。"We value our privacy," Farrell says.

我珍惜在龙外学习的机会。I treasure the chance to study in HIU.

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这份感情值得我们珍惜。So this affection is worth treasuring.

我珍惜并敬重生命中的每一天。I cherish and respect every living day.

珍惜宝贵生命,让我倾听分忧!Cherish your life. We're here to listen!