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墓碑上的秘密。Secrets on gravestones.

她的目光盯在了那墓碑上。Her gaze stayed on the grave.

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那就,让我化作墓碑,或者是墙。I could be grave-stone or a wall.

他的墓碑就在过街He's buried right across the street.

济慈只希望一个无名的墓碑。Keats wanted an anonymous headstone.

被铭刻在他的墓碑上。And that is what is on his tombstone.

她的墓碑上只是简单的写着“母亲”两个字。Her gravestone was simply marked, "Mother."

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然后在我家附近立一个小墓碑。And please leave a small tombstone near home.

墓碑上刻着,我告诉过你我那时病了。On the gravestone it says I told you I was sick.

布鲁斯正坐在一块古代的墓碑上写诗。Bruce was writing a poem on an ancient tomb stone.

之后有个姑娘,会在我的墓碑上放下一朵玫瑰花。I ' ve got a woman that'll putt roses on my grave.

破坏狂亵渎了许多墓园中的墓碑。Vandals desecrated many tombstones in the cemetery.

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它的坟头没有墓碑,只有一棵绿绿的小草。Its grave mound no tombstone, only a dazzling grass.

这石匠把日期刻在墓碑上。The stonecutter inscribed the date on the tombstone.

坏了的骨头,墓碑,你怎么认为我是在开玩笑?。Broke bones, tombstones, how do you think I'm kiddin'

这是,我已走到亡妻玛丽娜墓碑前的草坪上,帮她修整一下,去掉落叶。On the front lawn my wife, Marina, was raking leaves.

世兴石业的第一个墓碑工厂开办于1998年。Shixing's first gravestone factory was started in 1998.

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墓碑上的字母随着时间已经磨掉了。The letters on the gravestone have worn away with time.

你们告诉他们关于波耳兹曼的墓碑等事情。You told them about Boltzmann's tombstone and so forth.

出人意料的是,墓碑被至少900岁了!Surprisingly, the tombstones were at least 900 years old!