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这里听起来有点细微差别。This is a nuance.

这些口音的差别很大吗?Are the accents a lot different?

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这些差别隐含了其它意义。These differences conceal others.

这听上去有些细微差别对吧?Boy, this seems like a nuance, right?

中纺质量上滴差别适用。Chinatex quality differences to apply.

都是中大奖,怎么就有那么大的差别呢。Are prizes, how there are so different.

一个便士的差别有多重要?How important is that swing of a penny?

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猫与狮显示出类属的差别。Cats and lions show generic differences.

另一个关于收入差别的例子。One other example of a paid differential.

忽视了人、文化的差别性。The difference of cultures is overlooked.

在英语里,有一个性的差别。In English, there is a gender distinction.

这里我还想强调另外一个细微的差别。Now I want to stress one other nuance here.

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这样,甚至多数人也觉出这差别。Thus even the many perceive the difference.

我们会有差别和分歧。We will have differences and disagreements.

基加利和纽约的差别犹如白天和黑夜。Kigali and New York were like day and night.

好,我这里用了一点细微差别。OK, so a little nuance that I'm using there.

这两个字没有什么差别。There is no diffence between this two words.

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穷富差别大,善择不受穷。Haves difference is big, good choose not poor.

如何解释这些国与国之间的差别?How to account for these national differences?

在指南中,请清楚地说明这一差别。In your guide, clearly state that distinction.