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扣上衬衫扣子。Button up your shirts.

他为安全扣好扣子。He buckled up for safety.

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你能帮我钉一下扣子吗?Can you sew on these buttons?

请把扣子扣到下巴。Please button up to the chin.

你的扣子全系错了。Your buttons are all crooked.

我的上衣掉了一个扣子。A button has come off my coat.

你能给我钉个扣子吗?。Could you pin a botton for me?

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我上衣的一粒扣子掉了。One of my coat buttons is off.

你能给我钉个扣子吗?Can you sew a button on for me?

珊瑚的扣子和琥珀纽的晶彩。Thy coral clasps and amber studs.

我们需要男人帮我们拉上拉链、扣好扣子。We need men to help us get dressed.

麦克在给他的大衣钉扣子。Mike is sewing a button on his coat.

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我大衣上的扣子脱了。The button on my coat came unfastened.

我的上衣扣子松了。The buttons on my coat came unfastened.

他的夹克上有黄铜扣子。BRASS】He has brass buttons on his jackets.

扣子是来源于哪个公司的?Which company are the poppers sourced from?

好,我来帮你扣衬衫扣子。All right. Let me help you button your shirt.

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睡眠不要带塑料、扣子和拉链上床。Wear no plastics, buttons, or zippers to bed.

同事还在扣衬衫扣子。My colleague was still buttoning his shirt up.

妇女们的衣服通常也都会有整排的扣子。Women's clothes often had rows of buttons too.