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你是那位年长的女士?You are that old lady?

鲍勃和安年长一点。Bob and Ann were older.

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我年长的那个儿子重婚了。My elder son remarried.

鲍伯比我大两岁年长。Bob is two years senior to me.

对的,他们年长一些。That's right. They were older.

他比你年长,也比你更睿智。He is older and wiser than you.

杰克是这对双胞兄弟中年长的一个。Jack is the elder of the twins.

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她比我年长殚三岁。She is three years senior to me.

虽不全是,但大部分都是年长的人。Most, though not all, are elderly.

我不会唤汝愚人,年长知者。I would not call thee fool, old man.

大多数都比我年长一代。Most are one generation ahead of me.

跟年长的人必须用敬语!With older people must use honorifics!

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年长的哥哥冷笑于柳树之下。The elder laughs'neath the willow tree.

家兄比我年长两岁。My brother is senior to me by two years.

年长的焊接工很少放弃他的场地。The elder welder seldom yields his field.

最年轻的法官是54岁,最年长的法官是82岁。The youngest justice is 54, the oldest, 82.

那位年长的女士从书本上抬起眼睛。The elderly lady lifted her eyes from the book.

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对幼儿和年长的孩子来说,这是事实。This was true for the younger and older children.

32岁的Stackhouse是队中最年长的球员。At 32, Stackhouse is the oldest player on the team.

你能否把年轻的女士和年长的女士都指出来?Can you spot both the young lady and the older one?