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使我倾斜,然后让我倾吐!Tip me over and pour me out!

我向他倾吐我的种种烦恼。I unloaded all my troubles on him.

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她向朋友倾吐了内心的烦恼。She confided her troubles to a friend.

他轻声在她耳畔倾吐爱恋之言。He breathed words of love into her ear.

他向她倾吐了内心深处的秘密。He confided his innermost secrets to her.

她向医生倾吐出自己的忧愁。She poured out her worries to the doctor.

写作是主体由内而外的倾吐、创造。Writing is to unbosom oneself and create.

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琼觉得她只有向她妈妈倾吐心中的秘密。Jone felt she could only confide in her mother.

这个羞怯的小姑娘只背对裘一个人倾吐自己的心曲。To Jo alone did the shy girl tell her thoughts.

她向她最好的朋友倾吐了所有的秘密。She confided all her secrets to her best friend.

当然,你可以对你的双鱼座朋友倾吐你的烦恼。Sure, you can unload your problems on your Pisces friend.

然后她写了一封信给柴可夫斯基,信中彻底地向他倾吐了衷情。Then she wrote Tschaikovsky a letter in which she made a full confession.

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知晓的不要全部倾吐,看到的不要都加评语,这样生活可以安宁。Tell not all you know nor judge of all you see if you would live in peace.

所以,拿起笔,倾吐你对至爱的情意吧。So put your pen to paper and pour your feelings out for the love of your life.

人们喜欢抱怨的其中的一个原因是,倾吐之后心情会变得好些,即一吐为快。One of the reasons why people complain a lot is that it makes them feel better.

义人的口倾吐智慧,他的舌头讲论公义。The mouth of the virtuous utters wisdom and his tongue speaks of what is right.

还曾铺上毯子,一起躺在星空下,谈我们未来的梦想以及倾吐心声。Lying on blankets under the stars, we'd talk of our dreams, pouring our hearts out.

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和值得信赖的朋友倾吐自己的烦恼可以减轻压力。The act of vocally expressing our troubles to a trusted friend can offer instant stress-reduction.

您还能考虑使用木片或铺石渣作为地板甚至在底下倾吐一块混凝土板。You can also consider using wood chips or gravel as a floor or even pour a concrete slab underneath.

一个小小的鼓励就会使这个世俗的女人喋喋不休地倾吐内心所有。A very little encouragement would set that worldly woman to talk volubly and pour out all within her.