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橡胶ID套和背带袖子。Rubber ID sleeve and strap sleeves.

她找到了一件浅粉色细背带的。She found one, light pink with thin straps.

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双背带扣封,确保安全的契合。Two strap buckle closure ensures a secure fit.

可调节背带与扣封。Adjustable slingback strap with buckle closure.

佩服!特别羡慕的是每把刀都有皮背带。I admire you! Especially that one with leather gallus.

把背带穿过取景器盖和肩垫。American footballers wear shoulder-pads for protection.

在交叉弹性插入和光滑的皮革背带标签。Elastic insets and smooth leather tabs at cross straps.

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可调的钩环闭合背带保持鞋的安全。Adjustable hook-and-loop closure strap keeps shoes secure.

用婴儿背带徒步行可以让我们走得更快些。Hiking with the baby-trage could make us walk much more faster.

我昨晚真的戴着这条像婴儿背带似的毛皮长围巾出去的吗?Did I really go out last night wearing a fur stole as a baby sling?

火箭背带会激起公众的兴趣,让观众大吃一惊。The rocketbelt will always interest the public and amaze spectators.

新现代主义风格的背带、窄领带、纤细线条和紧身款式。Belts, narrow ties, slim lines and tight patterns of new modernism style.

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那根背带的棋盘格花纹不停地在他脑子里显现出来。The checkered pattern of that suspender recurred incessantly to his mind.

胸罩背带使得你可以调整罩杯来适应和支撑你的胸部。A bra's straps allow you to modify how the cups fit and support your breasts.

他用左手揪住勒·卡布克的衣领、布褂、衬衫和背带。He had seized Cabuc's collar, blouse, shirt, and suspender with his left hand.

本店所售“熊之族”背带包装、吊牌、说明书齐全。This shop sell "bears clan" straps packaging, tags, specification is complete.

你的背带是易燃物品,使用时请远离火种或其他火源。Your sling is flammable. Do not use it near open flames or other heat sources.

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第一天,手风琴背带压着我的肩膀,我感到浑身不自在。On my first day, with straps straining my shoulders, I felt clumsy in every way.

再说,它看起来挺旧的,一条背带上还丢了纽扣。Besides, he doesn't look new. He's lost the button to one of his shoulder straps.

骑自行车的人也要系上背带,保证骑行时候的安全。Harnesses are also attached on the riders to allow for a safer travel experience.