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如果言论自由被中止了,瘴气就滋生,死亡迅即来临。Where free speech is stopped miasma is bred, and death comes fast.

泸水一带人烟极少,瘴气很重而且泸水有毒。Along the densely Lushui very little heavy but Lushui poisonous miasma.

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一些学者在对“瘴气”的研究中使用了文化学和心理学的方法。Cultural and psychological methods have introduced into the research of miasma.

如今,大坝不时地改变水位,从暴露的污水释放出了疾病瘴气。Changing water levels now at times unleash a miasma of disease from exposed sewage.

当时人对于“瘴气之害”的地理分布及其季节性特征,已经有了初步的认识。The spatial distribution and the seasonal characters of the miasma epidemic were recognized.

虽然青蒿素是正常的反映,但是这个23岁的男人却死与一般的瘴气。Artesunate is normally effective, but the twenty-three-year-old man died from common malaria.

如用槟榔配制饮料,可预防瘴气重而发生的疾病。The preparation of beverages such as betel nut, to prevent the occurrence of severe malaria disease.

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此刻他和蜜蜂都如迷信的沼泽魔鬼,嗡嗡叫着,盘旋着,在瘴气中翻腾。The two of them now resembled a superstitious swamp devil, humming, hovering, and plowing through the miasma.

在此结论的基础上,比较了云、贵、川三地瘴气各自的特点。Based on the conclusion, the writer compared malaria's characteristics in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces.

它解决了问题,宣布了真理,清除了瘴气,净化了世纪,替人民加了冠冕。It put a stop to torture, promulgated the truth, expelled miasma, rendered the century healthy, crowned the populace.

很多病人都无法得到他们想要得治疗,尤其是像艾滋病、瘴气和肺结核等等。In addition , many patients are not able to get the treatments they need for diseases like aids , malaria and tuberculosis.

东汉至于晋时对南方的开发,留下了更多有关“瘴气”的文字遗存。Further detailed historical records on miasma existed while the southern China was exploited during the Eartern Han and Jin Dynasties.

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在大部分日子里,你起床、打扮、吃早餐,然后去世界上最污烟瘴气的地方——你的工作单位。Most days of your life you get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and head to one of the most unhealthy places in the world- your work place.

在大部分日子里,你起床、打扮、吃早餐,然后去世界上最污烟瘴气的地方翝——你的工作单位。Most days of your life you get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and head to one of the most unhealthy places in the world- your work place.

其实就你贴出来的这团话,我都不觉得翻译有什么太过的地方,为什么比赛前会雾烟瘴气?There was an awful lot of smoke going on with all the fireworks before the game. It was very smoky to start that game, maybe we were a little foggy.

另外,对瘴气概念的认识比较模糊,且对瘴气与瘴病的区别辨析也不够明晰。Besides, it is fuzzy for us to understand malaria's concept, and the difference and discrimination between malaria and malaria illness is also insufficiently defined.

最初,这个新的格栅在你们世界即以各种崩溃显现出来,以将你们世界的每一个角落搅动起来,最终能够把你们这个世界的瘴气全部清除。Initially, this new one is manifesting various debacles that are churning things up in every corner of your world, and this is to be expected as the miasmas of the past are purged.

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在尽人事而听天命的古代社会,瘴气是危害人们生产生活乃至生命的一大“杀手”,对瘴区的历史发展产生了深远影响。Malaria was a "killer" who did harm to people's production and everyday life, even their lives, and so it would have an influence on the historical development of the Malaria area.

西汉对南越战事中因“暑湿”导致“士卒大疫”的历史记录,或许应当看作对“瘴气”危害的早期记忆。The account of the miasma epidemic possibly dates back to the historical records of the epidemic due to the damp and hot during the war between the Han Empire and the Nanyue Kingdom.