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他们怎样停留在那里?How do they stay there?

在口井前,我将停留。At the well, I would stall.

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今天的品牌管理还停留在1999年的水平。Brand management is so 1999.

莫要让食物停留太长时间。Don't let food stay too long.

中途要停留多长时间?How long will the layover be?

时间不会为任何人停留。Time and tide wait for noman.

在科孚停留一小时。It stops at Corfu for an hour.

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你要在芝加哥作短暂停留。You have a layover in Chicago.

请问,那班火车威塞克斯停留吗?Does it stop at Wessex, please?

沿途要住在停留和反省。Stop and reflect along the way.

一直永远地停留在了苏联的时代。always and forever in the USSR.

我确实要在这个旅馆停留。I do want to stay in this hotel.

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我可以停留在楼顶吗?Can I keep staying on the rooftop?

这辆长途客车在此停留多久呢?。How long does the coach stop here?

看情形,转机停留多久?It depends, how long is stop over?

那就是在空中停留的时间That's how long you are in the air.

欧元仍可能停留在疲弱状态。The euro will probably remain weak.

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山楂树下不可停留。Do not stay under the hawthorn tree.

胡国进先生将在马来西亚停留5天。He will stay there for about 5 days.

还是停留在那浩淼和不可理解。Stayed immense and incomprehensible.