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现在是红灯。It is a reb light.

红灯意味着蓦“停”。Thee red light means"Stop".

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好,看红灯?请安静。Ok, see the redlight? Quiet, please.

你们应该在红灯时、绿灯时还是黄灯时减速呢?Slow down and stop at a yellow light.

如果红灯不亮,请等候30秒钟。If the red light doesn't , 30 seconds.

见到红灯,汽车停了下来。The car drew up at the traffic lights.

这三个市场都亮起了黄灯,或是红灯。All of them are flashing amber, or red.

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红灯,红灯,停,停,停。Rde light, red light, stop, stop, stop.

红灯红灯,红灯亮了,停停停。Red, red, the light is red. Stop, stop, stop.

就像他们闯过红灯,把你撞了。Like they jump the red light and then hit you.

红灯停,绿灯行,黄等来了等一等!Redd light stop, green line, yellow etc to wait!

就在几个月前,我还看见一位骑车人在红灯处停了下来。Red is a colour, you have to stop at a red light.

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红灯亮着,但他开车闯了过去。The lights were red but he drove straight through.

门前吊着两盏红灯。There were two red lanterns hanging over the door.

别穿马路!难道你没见红灯正亮着吗?Don't cross the street! Can't you see the redlight?

我收到了一张交通罚款单,因为我闯了红灯。I got a traffic ticket because I ran the red light.

我想能在红灯时查看我的电子邮件。I want to be able to check my e-mail at stoplights.

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红灯时决不要横穿马路。Never cross the road when the traffic light is red.

车遇到红灯停了下来,这时一个模糊的身影吸引了我的注意。At a stoplight a blur of movement draws my attention.

连闯俩红灯,偏赶这绿灯停车!You ran two red lights but you stop at the green one.