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其中的墨迹被认为来自一种古老的配方,一种将鞣酸铁与煤烟混合而成的墨水。The ink appears to be an ancient recipe—a mix of iron gall and soot inks.

生香蕉的涩味来自于香蕉中含有的大量的鞣酸。Born of bananas from banana contains astringency of a large number of tannins.

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柿子中含有较多的鞣酸不利于通便,应避免食用。More tannic acid is contained to go against in persimmon aperient, should avoid edible.

我们这里的妇幼保健院有一种鞣酸软膏效果很好。We have here a kind of maternal and child health care hospital Tannin ointment works well.

当香蕉成熟之后,虽然已尝不出涩味了,但鞣酸的成分仍然存在。When ripe bananas although has tasted a acerbity but the tannic acid composition still exists.

不然剩余的茶水会过度浸泡茶叶,浸出过多鞣酸,使得下一壶茶水变苦。Any water that's left behind will oversteep the leaves, making your next batch overly tannic and bitter.

目的探讨鞣酸对体外培养的人食管癌细胞EC9706的生长抑制作用。Objective To study the inhibitory effect of tannins on human esophageal carcinoma cells EC9706 in vitro.

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鞣酸可与孕妇食物中的铁元素结合成为一种不能被机体吸收的复合物。Tannic acid and pregnant women may be iron in food can not be combined into a complex organism absorbed.

一种可以将染色固定到细胞、组织或纺织品及其它材料上的试剂,如鞣酸。Mordant A reagent, such as tannic acid, that fixes dyes to cells, tissues, or textiles or other materials.

尤其是菜刀上的锈和苹果所含的鞣酸会起化学反应,使苹果的色、香、味变差。Especially the rust on the kitchen knife react to tannin in the apple , will lose apple's color, smell, taste.

目的探讨显示弹力纤维电镜鞣酸组化染色方法。Objective To approach tannic acid cytochemical staining in electron microscopic observation of elastic fibers.

鞣酸具有非常强的收敛作用,可以将粪便结成干硬的粪便,从而造成便秘。Tieguanyin has very strong convergence function and can be will form the dry waste feces and cause constipation.

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本文研究了柠檬酸、酒石酸、鞣酸、蔗糖、葡萄糖等食用酸味剂和甜味剂对紫苏色素稳定性的影响。The effect of several acidifiers, such as citric acid, and sugars on the stability of perilla color were studied.

如果我告诉你一瓶酒的酸度恰好在鞣酸与酸之间达到平衡,这并不意味着你会觉得那瓶酒好喝。If I tell you that a wine has a balance between tannin and acid, it doesn’t follow that you will find it delicious.

被腐烂的树叶产生鞣酸所污染的河水,从峡湾地带国家公园的山顶上顺势流下,冲进嘎尔姆保护区。River water stained by tannins from leaf litter flows from the peaks of Fiordland National Park into Gaer Arm reserve.

啤酒酒精含量少,所含的鞣酸、苦味酸有刺激食欲、帮助消化及清热的作用。Beer alcohol content is little, contains tannic acid, picric the effect that exciting appetite, help digests the heat that reach Qing Dynasty.

目的研究醛类及鞣酸对软胶囊崩解性能的影响,探讨改善软胶囊崩解迟缓的措施。Objective To study the influence of aldehydes and tannic acid on soft capsules, approach how to prevent soft capsules from delayed disintegration.

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采用响应曲面法研究了鞣酸改性谷朊粉-大豆分离蛋白复合膜成膜过程中各因素对膜性能的影响。The effect of conditions to form the films on properties of WG -SPI edible composite film modified by tannic acid was evaluated by response surface methodology.

采用溶剂萃取法,以五倍子为原料,水为溶媒进行浸提,再用乙酸乙酯为溶剂进行萃取,通过脱色制备高纯度食品鞣酸。High-purity food tannin was prepared from gallnut by solvent extraction, via. leaching in water, extracting by ethyl acetate and removing color with active carbon.

苹果之所以有止泻和通便的双重作用,是因为苹果中含有鞣酸、果胶、膳食纤维等特殊物质。The apple has stop have diarrhoea and aperient double action, because the special material such as tannic acid, pectic, prandial fiber is contained in the apple, be.